For Music
Are you a Mary or Martha?
How many of you have lives which sound like this?
Appointments, activities, assignments, demands, decisions, deadlines, schedules, services, seminars, plans, programs, people etc and all you want to do is yell STOP!
Then on top of all that is getting the kids ready, cooking, ironing, washing, cleaning, sending the kids to school, friends houses and church activities, dusting, vaccuming and the list goes on.....Now you can sleep only to get up and do the whole lot again tomorrow. But wait a minute I forgot something else...devotional time - where do I get the time to fit that one in?
Where does my time with the Lord fit into my busy life?
Martha's love and devotion to God was the very thing that led her to the trouble she so worthily took on. With the cooking, baking and serving of the meals, and the washing of the dishes she have very little time to sit and listen to the Lord and give Him first place.
Martha wanted to compromise the situation by doing the work first THEN sitting down at the feet of Jesus. Martha spent so much time with her service FOR Jesus that she didn't have the time for her relationship WITH Jesus. For us it is not important what we do for Christ but what we do with Christ.
The difference with Mary and Martha is that Mary put God first and amongst all the hussle and bustle and duties to get things for God she took the time and put him first....she sat down at the feet of Jesus and listened to what He had to say!
Our key is to have the right priorities: Jesus first and then all other things will fall into place as God determines. There are so many things demanding our attention and easily bumping God off our priority list.
Have you given God first place in your life?
copyright Rachel Lodge 1993

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