For Music
The Hands of Jesus
The human hand is the most fascinating and wonderful part of our body. Just pause for a moment and look at your hands. Now think of the things you do with them! Just think of what you would do without them! Sometimes we even feel that we could do with another pair don't we?
When God created us He blessed us with five senses....sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. Without a doubt the sense of touch would have to be the most expressive of all. There are those occasions when words are so inadequate to express our innermost feelings, but just the touch of a hand can communicate love, understanding and security in a far more adequate way than any other words could ever be spoken.
But the hand is also one of the most telltale features of a person's appearance. A man's hands often reflects his thoughts, words and hard labour. When public speakers want to drive a point home, their hands will alternatively jab and thrust, stab and sweep. But when a counsellor wishes to calm a distraught client, he may fold his hands on his lap or rest them under his chin.
A casual glance at the hands of a man or woman can reveal something about their livelihood. For example, every housewife knows what the phrase "dishpan hands" means. The red, rough, chapped condition of hands that spend too much time in soapy water - CLEANING!
It is quite evident that our hands disclose something about ourselves.
Jesus' hands reveal His Character: (John 20:19-21) At the resurrection Jesus showed them His hands they were Helping Hands What do you think when the disciples saw the hands of Christ? What did they see in His hands? He lifted the disciple from the waters, feed the crowd of 5000, led a blind beggar to the pond to restore his sight, exorcised a demon-possessed boy and even his Teachings.
There was strength and tenderness in his touch.... We also see Healing Hands Cleansing a leper, driving out a fever, healing of Jarius' daughter, restoring sight, making the lame to walk and the dear to hear.
There was power and health and well-being in His touch......When they saw the nailprints in His hands they would be reminded of His Holy Hands. Jesus' hands were dedicated to His Father's service. The purpose of Salvation. He died for our sins and it is in this that we find the distinguishing characteristic of the hands of Jesus: They were separated to the specific task of saving all people - you and me - from the penalty of sin!
Our Hands should reveal the character of Jesus and that is why we say I have no hands but your hands LORD!
Are your hands doing the work that God wants you to do?
Copyright Rachel Lodge 1993

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