Becky's grandson, Chris, went to camp this summer
and returned home filled with memories.
Becky listened to Chris' stories, and then she wrote a poem.
Me, My Dad and the Bike
©By Becky (LHolc55865)
My dad took me camping on the back of a bike
We went to the mountains and to fish and hike
We camped out, lived off the land for one week
Gosh, I had a great time, we set up by a creek
My dad and me we are members of the scouts
We knew what to do, so there were no doubts
We could fend for ourselves out in the woods
We hauled our burlap bag with all of our goods
High up in the trees so no bears might decide
To come into camp, take a bite out of our hide
With our site all set up we decided to explore
What was around us, what might be in store
Walking to the creek there was so much to see
This was the first time for just my Dad and me
To ever be together with no one else around
We sat on the bank, we didn't make a sound
Each with our own thoughts no need to say
Of what we were thinking, we held it at bay
Just having him beside me was just so right
Maybe this time alone together here might
Be what we needed to finally bring us close
I guess all it really took was to get a big dose
Of only him and me, neither could run away
Stay and face each other, 'twas no other way
We talked a little about this, then a little bout that
Not much to the conversation, but then as we sat
The subjects became more serious, more about us
He tried to understand how I felt, as a father does
There is still a lot there, that needs to be worked out
I think we made a start, there's lots more to talk about
We decided to leave it till the next time we came here
It is a nice place to reflect, to really listen and to hear
What the other person is saying or tying to impart
It seems a good place to try and open your heart
It was getting late, our bellies had started to growl
We decided to jump on the bike go on the prowl
Wandering around on a bike is really quite wild
At least it seems so to me cause I am still a child
Dad is a great rider, dressed in leather and beads
He can make it so much fun, but he always heeds
The rules of safety, he has drummed into my head
If I break any of them I have a great deal to dread
First my butt will be kicked, and I can walk home
Then to memory I must put them when I am alone
Then I would feel lower than the belly of a snake
So I will remember the rules, cause a lot is at stake
I will be restricted from the back of the bike I know
Not to ride with my dad would just be a great blow
We then found us a place to eat way out in the wild
So we circled around, it really seemed quite mild
We parked and dismounted my heart starts to sing
For I was so hungry and we had found Burger King
Well we finally found us a place to sit down and eat
The Kids meal with fries and tenders was really a treat
This was the life, drink with a straw finish with a slurp
Finish with the finger and fries, let out a great burp
It's sure great being a he-man out here on our own
Can't wait till I am bigger, older and finally full grown
I'll go camping, and fishing, any day of the week
Onto my bike, out into the world my fortune to seek
But in the here and now, there is much fun to be had
For tomorrow, down the Chatahoochee me and dad
Not a care in the world drifting, looking up at the sky
On an inner tube, dreaming, watching the world go by
Up with the birds we run down to the creek for a wash
Had never been in the water so early and oh my gosh!
This thing is freezing, I am shivering, oh my poor tush
My dad then bends over laughing, and falls into a bush
I forget the cold, I start to giggle, the scene is pure gold
I just can't wait to get home for here is a tale to be told
Our bath is finished and it is time to put n the feed bag
I sit there looking at my dads cooking, trying not to gag
We decided to go down to the river get a tube to rent
And though at the time, 'twas never any kind of hint
Of the trouble and mischief I'd do by end of the day
I did learn the lesson, I would need to always obey
We rented the tubes and ours was a yuckey pink
And since I am a guy, to me that color does stink
We sat our tushes down into the center of the tubes
I put on my sun shades, oh man, I was a cool dude
Moseying on down the river, early, just before lunch
Was looking around me, there seemed to be a bunch
Of kids my age all agog and checking out the view
I looked across the water and on a tube of pale blue
I then saw the cutest, sweetest girl I had ever seen
There was fear in her eyes, she seemed quite keen
As I closed in on her, she looked like she did know
I would help as we floated down the river and so
We talked and laughed she then made a request
She'd like to trade tubes, she liked the pink best
Quickly I agreed, after awhile we changed places
Later, looking around and nowhere in the faces
Did I see my dad's face and I felt a shaft of fear
For he had sternly told me I must stay near
Around me I saw no one I had met at the start
I had no idea where me and my dad had part
The girl in the pink tube was by rope pulled in
Floating on, afraid, would I see my dad again?
Why had they pulled the girl in I did not know
Looking around now, no fun, my fear did grow
There were folks close but I did not know them
Panic seemed to set in, my hopes then grew dim
All of a sudden there were folks calling my name
A lump settled in my throat, again the calls came
People started into the water, catching the tube
I tell you then I was no dude, just a dumb boob
My dad was standing there, he was fit to be tied
He hugged me, then proceeded to tan my hide
The tube of stink pink had a purpose I had found out
It told them where I should be pulled from the route
But since I had traded with the girl in midstream
And caused so much trouble, my dad did then deem
That when we returned home, restricted I would be
Till I could recite the safety rules and maybe then he
Might take me out on the back of the Valkyrie bike
So then me and my Dad will ride-'n-camp and hike
My Dad told me later the thing that scared him most
Was to call his mother and tell her I had been lost
She'd enter witch mode, have jumped on her broom
When she got there, poor Dad would meet his doom
July 26, 1999
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