This is my grampa Jim. He was the most loving , caring, wonderful man that you could ever know. When God made him he smashed the mold. My grampa Jim could play the harmonica without ever having a lesson his entire life. His music was so beautiful and uplifting that even when he would play *Happy Birthday* to me, I would cry. He passed away on May 29,1998 and is sadly missed by us all. The music that you are listening to in the background is my grampa and his buddy Francie, pictured at the bottom. They loved to play. My grampa would play for anyone that would listen, that is why I love the wonders of the internet, that I may share his music with you, so that the love that he gave and the music that he played will go on in our hearts forever. So this is for you Papa Jim, one more* may the, may the*, we love you and miss you so much. |