Somewhere the candle is burning brightly. Somewhere a child smiles. Somewhere someone wipes away a tear. Someone somewhere is reaching out right now to show someone else that they care. Somewhere a heart is breaking and someone somewhere is lending a hug, just a little way of saying, "I love you, I care". Somewhere a baby snuggles safely against his father's chest, such love and pride shine from the father's eyes, just by watching even at a distance, sharing in this love, I feel very blessed. Someone somewhere is joining to another with the sacred words " I do", and somewhere a child whispers for the first time, "Jesus I love you", and the candle burns brightly flickering as a breeze passes by. Will the candle continue to burn in the lives of these special ones, or will the flame wither and die? It is up to you and up to me to share the light given from the candle that others might not see. The candle burns brightly. Do not let the flame wither and die. Pass it on by sharing and keep the light going strong. The candles are truly beautiful as they shine in this world. The soft light glows and touches a heart somewhere; and sometimes somewhere the only person who can light the candle is YOU. So everyday let your candle shine and share some of the glowing light given to you with someone else somewhere. Pass the love and joy on. |