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Calvary Apostolic Tabernacle
3545 Lovelaceville Rd.
Paducah KY

Sunday Mornings 10 AM
Sunday Night     6 PM
Wednesday Night  7 PM

Youth Night Fridays 7 PM

The United Pentecostal Church believes there is One God (not a trinity in the Godhead). They believe the Bible plainly teaches the only way to be saved is through repentance, baptism in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.

It is our hope to soon include a directory of personal Apostolic Webpages. If you have a webpage you would like to post on this page, please send us your webpage address.

Click here to send us your web address

Below are some excellent Apostolic links to learn more about the truth, and to meet Apostolic people....

The United Pentecostal Church Official Page Acts Ministries  UPCI  Jeff Springstein 
Davida's Page        










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©1999 Calvary Apostolic Tabernacle Youth Department
Last revised: April 20, 1999.