(This webpage is best viewed without AOL, and that gay geocities pop-up which TOTALLY F*CKS UP MY WHOLE LAYOUT!!! Thank you.)
     Well, I have converted.  I no longer love the feeling of an AK in my hands.  Now my hot gun is the Colt.  No matter who I am facing, I am still deadly with a colt.  I like colt sniping better than AK sniping.  Plus its ROF is awesome.  Signing off, and hope you don't find yourself at the end of my carbine.
  -Pefect Weapon

     We finally have two new members.  Both are local of coarse as we haven't been playing seriously for a while.  Mostly just playing under different names and testing out the secondary knife fire on MP5 carrying opponents.  Well, I started one of their profiles and the other will be up soon, along with pics.
  -Perfect Weapon

     Well, as you can see, the site is getting a face lift! Thank god too, now it will look good. You can see it in all its ugliness for a few more days before the front page is complete.

   I'm happy to announce that Bullet and me will be creating a multiplayer mod. The mod is inspired by our buddies at cSo. The webpage for it will be up soon hopefully but will not be done by me (you will notice as it will be good) but hopefully, I will have influence over what goes on it. Because all I know how to do is make models and map, the coding will be done by Ranal over at cSo while the modeling is done by me and Bullet makes the maps. We will keep you posted as to when the new site will be up.
IOV pic of the litter
Click to enlarge
The IOV upper-ends