On 11 August 1999, I received an e-mail from my cousin Anna Hamilton Goodwin in response to a request I made of friends and relatives to review this website for content, appearance and general comments. All responses were very positive. However, I found Anna's comments particularly moving and I want to share them with you here. |
From: Anna Goodwin To: Bob Smith Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 2:34 PM
Hi there
I still have tears in my eyes. That brought back so many wonderful and sad memories. I remember riding in the rumble seat of grandpa's automobile. I remember when they built the house. In fact, my family lived in it after Grannie died, until it was sold. Then we moved across the street. I remember when grandpa died. We were in the closet peeking out of a crack into the front room watching the family and saw when he died. I remember when Grannie died, I think they said, you were sleeping in the same bed and that you found her. That really stayed with me for so many years. |
I also remember the games we use to play at grannies in the front yard, all the neighborhood kids. Also, the wonderful Sundays when everyone went to grannies. After she died, everyone just drifted apart. |
I'm suppose to look like your mom, that's what my dad always said. I visited your sister in North Carolina back in the 60's. I loved your sister, but her husband was a nasty man. I never liked him, he tried to corner me, while I was visiting. So I never went back. I remember Ellis well too, he and my brother, Ford, always hung out together. |
You have really stirred the memories. Before Grannie died and we lived on Kentucky Avenue, my brother had done a relief, wood, carving of grandpa, that he still has. I found some green iridescent chalk and outlined it and placed it on the stairs up to our apartment for my mom to see. She came in when it was dark and all she saw was grandpa's likeness floating on the stairs. It scared her nearly to death. She and Ford were mad at me for doing that. The traces of green are still on that carving. |
I never knew what happened to you after Grannie died. You just disappeared. I did hear many years later that you married an Asian lady. I don't know if it was true or not and I can't even remember who told me. |
Aunt Helen and I never got along. She use to try to put the make on my boyfriends, when I was a teenager. I never forgave her for that. I think though as I get older that I probably look more like her. My brother kept in touch with her for years, until she died. I guess that's where I got most of my info about the family. I remember when Eugene died. I can barely remember his visits, but I do know he did check on my mom, after my dad left her for another woman. Everyone loved my mom and never forgave my dad for what he did. |
Keep up the good work. I love your site and I love seeing the pictures of everyone. |
Warmest Regards |
Anna |
Anna |
Thanks so much Anna for your kind comments and your memories. I hope as we get to know each other again that you will share more. Best Bobby |