Twins in Tetbury 1700 - 1770

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Tetbury each decade 1700-1770 had an average of 662 baptisms and in the 7 decades had 68 sets of twins both born alive, how long did each child live? All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.
PriceShadrack1701.12.15dAnntwin lived 8 days
PriceShadrack1701.12.15dMarytwin lived 12 days
FordWilliam1702.05.15sBenjamintwin lived 10 days
FordWilliam1702.05.15sJosephtwin lived 7 days
LeeJohn1703.02.18sJohntwin lived 14 weeks
LeeJohn1703.02.18dMarytwin lived 9 weeks
KingNathaniel1704.01.05dEdithtwin lived 1 week
KingNathaniel1704.01.05dSarahtwin lived 1 week
PriceShadrack1704.02.07dElizabethtwin married William Guest
PriceShadrack1704.02.07dMarthatwin lived 5 weeks - second set
ParkerGeorge1705.03.26sHenrytwin lived 2 weeks
ParkerGeorge1705.03.26dRebekahtwin lived 1 week
YoungRichard1705.11.22sDanieltwin lived 51 years
YoungRichard1705.11.22sGeorgetwin lived 4 days
HoltWilliam1707.04.15sJamestwin lived 2 weeks
HoltWilliam1707.04.15sJohntwin lived 45 years
WestSymon1708.06.24sJohntwin lived 3 weeks
WestSymon1708.06.24dMarytwin lived 39 years
OrchardArthur1709.12.15sNo Nametwin lived 11 days
OrchardArthur1709.12.15dNo Nametwin lived 1 day
HodgesWilliam1710.07.22sGilestwin lived 5 days
HodgesWilliam1710.07.22sRichardtwin lived 5 days
SaundersJoseph1716.02.05sBenjamintwin lived 23 days
SaundersJoseph1716.02.05sJohntwin appears to marry about 1743
FeltonAnthony1716.04.02dElizabethtwin lived 3 weeks
FeltonAnthony1716.04.02dKatherinetwin lived 3 weeks
ButlerThomas1719.03.01dMarytwin lived 45 years
ButlerThomas1719.03.01dSarahtwin lived 22 years
JamesRobert1721.04.04dKatherinetwin, mother died 12 days later
JamesRobert1721.04.04dSarahtwin, mother died 12 days later
PickeGiles1722.02.19dBetteytwin 10 months and mother died Smallpox
PickeGiles1722.02.19sGilestwin 11 months and mother died Smallpox
JamesRobert1722.04.24dMary2nd wife also has twins first, lived 25 days
JamesRobert1722.04.24sRobert2nd wife also has twins first, lived 18 days
AndrewsZachary1722.07.22dMarytwin buried 6 days later
AndrewsZachary1722.07.22dSarahtwin buried 6 days later
ClarkJames1722.07.31dHanahtwin lived 16 years
ClarkJames17220731csJohntwin lived 6 months
WashburnSarah1723.05.10sJamesbase twin
WashburnSarah1723.05.10dJanebase twin
RitchingsRichard1724.03.26dAnnetwin mother died 7 weeks later
RitchingsRichard1724.03.26dSarahtwin lived 1 day mother died 7 weeks later
BrownNathaniel1725.04.19dAnnetwin married 1756 to John Brown
BrownNathaniel1725.04.19sJamestwin lived 3 weeks
ClarkWilliam1726.04.28dHannahtwin lived 12 years.
ClarkWilliam1726.04.28sThomastwin lived 5 days
BrownJonathan1728.03.15dEdithtwin lived 13 years
BrownJonathan1728.03.15dSarahtwin lived 1 year
CrookRobert1731.01.18sJohntwin, mother died 5 months later
CrookRobert1731.01.18sSamueltwin, mother died 5 months later
PilsworthThomas Mr1731.04.12sCharlestwin, only memtion of the family
PilsworthThomas Mr1731.04.12sThomastwin, only memtion of the family
HanlyWilliam1731.07.29dAnnetwin only mention of the family
HanlyWilliam1731.07.29sWilliamtwin only mention of the family
BlakePhilip1732.07.03dElinortwin buried 4 days later
BlakePhilip1732.07.03sPhiliptwin buried 4 days later
GouldingThomas1733.12.22dJanetwin lived 7 days
GouldingThomas1733.12.22dSarahtwin lived 10 months
HolborowWilliam1734.01.14dAnnetwin of Elmstree lived 2 weeks
HolborowWilliam1734.01.14dJanetwin of Elmstree lived 1 week
GrahamJames1735.10.09sRichardtwin lived 18 days
GrahamJames1735.10.09sWilliamtwin lived 18 days
LambDavid1736.04.15dMarytwin lived 3 weeks
LambDavid1736.04.15sThomastwin lived 3 weeks
BailyDaniel1737.12.05sSamueltwin lived 8 months
ChambersThomas1738.04.11sJohntwin lived 3 weeks
ChambersThomas1738.04.11sThomastwin lived 3 weeks
TannerJohn1739.05.13sJamestwin lived 13 years
RobertsThomas1740.10.15sJonathantwin lived 4 months
WebbFrancis1742.07.22dAnntwin? lived 16 weeks
WebbFrancis1742.07.22dMargarettwin? married 17601218 to Giles Archard
PikeIsaac1743.04.09dJanetwin lived 4 days
PikeIsaac1743.04.09dSarahtwin lived 4 days
AshJonathan1744.07.19dGracetwin lived 3 years
HaleJohn1745.01.27dAnntwin lived 2 weeks
HaleJohn1745.01.27sThomastwin lived 2 weeks
WeeksSamuel1745.09.20sJohntwin lived 2 weeks
CoxLuke1746.10.09sArthurtwin lived 2 weeks, mother sister of twins
CoxLuke1746.10.09sMathewtwin lived 2 weeks
WhiteJohn11747.09.28dMakepeacetwin lived 12 weeks
MayellWilliam1748.11.29dAnn Reevetwin lived 9 days
MayellWilliam1748.11.29dElizabethtwin lived 9 days
PearseCharles1751.02.16sJosephtwin of Cutwell
PearseCharles1751.02.16dMarytwin of Cutwell, buried 6 days later
RalphJohn1755.03.27dHannahtwin lived 15 months, father a Baker
RalphJohn1755.03.27sSarahtwin lived 14 months, father a Baker
PikeThomas1755.07.13dElizabethtwin lived 6 days, father a Woolstapler
PikeThomas1755.07.13sRoberttwin lived 6 days, father a Woolstapler
SwinertonRichard1755.08.06dHestertwin lived 13 years
ShillamJohn1756.06.21dMarytwin lived 13 years
PikeThomas11759.08.30sDanieltwin lived 11 years, father a Woolstapler
PikeThomas11759.08.30sRoberttwin, second set
PikeThomas21763.03.07dBettytwin, father a Woolstapler
PikeThomas21763.03.07sJosephtwin, lived 18 months, third set
LeechJoseph1764.02.21dSarahtwin of St Edmunds bury Suffolk
LeechJoseph1764.02.21dSusannahtwin of St Edmunds bury Suffolk
DavisThomas11764.12.14dHannahtwin died
DavisThomas11764.12.14sJohntwin a Cordwainer
TaylorWilliam1765.04.21dMarytwin buried 3 days later
TaylorWilliam1765.04.21sWilliamtwin buried 3 weeks later
ParkerJames1765.12.25dJanetwin lived 14 years
ParkerJames1765.12.25sJamestwin lived 3 years
BailySarah1766.03.28sHestertwin base, buried 2 weeks later
BailySarah1766.03.28sJosephtwin base, buried 7 days later
BeamsSarah1768.07.11sJamestwin base, buried 5 days later
BeamsSarah1768.07.11dSarahtwin base, buried 9 weeks later
ClarkRichard1768.12.12sJohntwins of a baker, buried 2 days later
ClarkRichard1768.12.12dSarahtwins of a baker, buried 2 days later
BrowningJohn1769.01.17sEdwardtwin lived 8 months
LloydJohn1770.07.02dFannytwin lived 8 months
LloydJohn1770.07.02dSarahtwin lived 8 months

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