Settlement A-L

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10-Oct 1781    John  Allaway and family was returned to Driffield
14-Oct 1751Jonathan Ash widow Welthin and 6 children from Bishopstone, Wiltshire
8-Mar 1750Alice Bailey and Joanna her daughter, Bradford Wilts owns them. 
2-Sep 1751George Ball had a Settlement Certificate 
10-Oct 1781Mary Ball and family was returned to Kingscote
4-Jun 1729Moses Ball had a Settlement Certificate 
2-May 1698William Ball had a Settlement Certificate 
21-Oct 1771John  Barrat and family was returned to Beverston
26-Jul 1740William Beams had a Settlement Certificate 
5-Nov 1751Ambrose  Bennett had a Settlement Certificate 
22-Apr 1790James Bickerton and family was returned to Oldbury on the Hill
20-Jun 1693Thomas Bishop had a Settlement Certificate 
23-Mar 1744Edward Bissey had a Settlement Certificate 
2-Sep 1755Elizabeth Blake singlewoman, was returned to Avening
17-Jul 1766Mary Blake came to Tetbury from St Philip & Jacob
3-Sep 1728Samuel Bockey had a Settlement Certificate 
30-Jan 1736John Brazenton had a Settlement Certificate 
29-Nov 1759John Brazenton had a Settlement Certificate 
8-Jun 1716William Bristow and family was returned to Easton Gray
19-Jan 1768Mary Brown came to Tetbury from Horsley
17-Jul 1780Mary Brown and family was returned to Lechlade
10-Mar 1729Charity Bruten came to Tetbury 
14-Oct 1751Martha Burchall had a Settlement Certificate 
30-Sep 1755Joseph Burford and family was returned to Easton Gray
30-Aug 1773Mary Burford and family was returned to Easton Gray
6-Feb 1716Michael Burnell had a Settlement Certificate 
20-Apr 1787Joseph Bury and family was returned to Upton
31-Aug 1763Robert Butler and family was returned to Uley
4-May 1742John  Caradine and family was returned to Boxwell & Leighterton
24-Feb 1752John Care had a Settlement Certificate 
19-Nov 1706Giles Carey came to Tetbury from Wootton under edge
29-May 1742John Caradine had a Settlement Certificate 
15-Dec 1698Edward Casson had a Settlement Certificate 
19-Sep 1773John Chapman came to Tetbury from Dursley
19-Jun 1742Robert Chapman had a Settlement Certificate 
4-May 1742Robert Chapman and family was returned to Stroud
6-Feb 1775Sarah Chapman and family was returned to Stroud
3-May 1762John  Chappell and family was returned to Newton
2-Aug 1757Henry Lifely Clark came to Tetbury from Berkeley
6-May 1783Elizabeth Clayfield and family was returned to Stroud
4-Apr 1719William Cleeve had a Settlement Certificate 
7-Oct 1706John Clement had a Settlement Certificate 
27-Sep 1773Hester Clutterbuck and family was returned to Alderley
30-Oct 1771Richard Clutterbuck had a Settlement Certificate 
8-Jul 1744John Coates had a Settlement Certificate 
3-May 1742Jonathan Cole had a Settlement Certificate 
4-May 1742Jonathan Cole and family belong to Stanton St Quinton
23-Jan 1730Sarah Cole baby sent to Tetbury from Badgeworth
2-Dec 1776Jonathan Cook and family was returned to Malmesbury Charlton
2-Nov 1722Rowland Corbett had a Settlement Certificate 
1-Feb 1678Richard Corks had a Settlement Certificate 
7-Jul 1729John Cotton had a Settlement Certificate 
3-Jul 1729John  Cotton and family was returned to St Peter in Hereford
4-Feb 1773Mark Cox came to Tetbury from Avening
3-Feb 1784Catherine Coxe and family was returned to Swinbrook
2-Dec 1776William Coxe and family was returned to Avening
9-Sep 1751William Creed had a Settlement Certificate 
22-May 1741Nathaniel Crompton in 1755 Mary received 1-6-8 
26-May 1766Samuel Crook returned to Tetbury from Monktontand, Somerset
6-Jan 1767William Croom returned to Tetbury from Bristol
3-May 1762John  Cully and family to be returned to St Mary Marlborough
24-May 1774Thomas Darter came to Tetbury from Longreach
22-Mar 1736John Davis came to Tetbury from Hungerford
8-Mar 1754Thomas Davis als Snow had a Settlement Certificate
4-May 1719John Dickason was a bad lad, wife in trouble
4-Aug 1740John Dix had a Settlement Certificate
8-Aug 1729Nicholas Drew had a Settlement problem
15-Jul 1770John  Drummond and family was returned to Great Copley
22-Apr 1790Minchin Durnell and family was returned toKemble
6-Sep 1751John Evans made a Statementof St Arvans, Gwent
31-Aug 1731John Faux had a Settlement Certificate 
4-Jul 1729Anthony King Felton and family was returned to St Thomas in New Sarum
14-Jul 1729Anthony King Felton had a Settlement Certificate 
7-Mar 1706Joseph Filders had a Settlement Certificate 
7-Mar 1733John  Fisher and family was returned to Cirencester
3-Sep 1700Richard Fletcher came to Tetbury from Avening
4-Nov 1765Betty Garridy came to Tetbury 
14-May 1695Edward Gastrell had a Settlement Certificate 
1-Mar 1773Ann  Gillard  was returned to Shute
3-May 1762Thomas Gore and family was returned to St Oswald Durham
8-Feb 1774William Graham returned to Tetbury from Bath
31-Aug 1763Joan Hall had a Settlement Certificate 
28-Dec 1721John Hancock had a Settlement Certificate 
21-Oct 1771Robert Hart and family was returned to Clearwill
8-Jul 1740John Hawks had a Settlement Certificate 
31-Aug 1763Edward Hayward and family was returned to Crudwell
14-Oct 1700James Higgs came to Tetbury 
2-Sep 1751William Hobbs had a Settlement Certificate 
7-Jan 1718William Hodges and James had a Settlement Certificate 
 1704Ellis Holborow she ran away from husband in Luckington
2-Sep 1695William Holford had a Settlement Certificate 
7-Mar 1733James Hollyday and family was returned to Sherton Magna
19-Sep 1692John Hopkins had a Settlement Certificate 
 1723Samuel Hopkins came to Tetbury from Wootton under edge
5-Sep 1751Joseph Howell had a Settlement Certificate 
15-Sep 1737John Hulbert had a Settlement Certificate 
2-Dec 1776Richard Jones and family was returned to Wheatenhurst (Whitminster)
19-Jan 1811Judith Jones had a Settlement Certificate 
22-Jan 1669William King had a Settlement Certificate 
8-Jul 1686Anne King daughters of William sent back to Dursley
15-May 1735Elizabeth Lander came to Tetbury from Highworth
10-Jul 1701John Lea had a Settlement Certificate 

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