Unwed Parents

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Motherhood without marriage provides the material for the records in P328a OV 5.
OV 5/1 contains 68 documents, dated 1703, 1765, 1767, 1772, 1774, 1779 and then increasing in frequency to end with 9 July 1834 where Mary Woodman names Giles Porter of Broad Somerford in Wiltshire.
OV 5/2 are 'Bastardy Examinations', with 92 documents beginning 1697, 1708, 1725, 1726, 1754, 1764, 1774 then more frequently. I made notes of the first 33, to 1799, did not look at the last 54, the final one dated 5 May 1834.
OV 5/3 are the 'Indemnity Bonds' and contains 12 documents 1755, 1761, 1766 to 1801
OV 5/4 are the demands for payment, and the dates are similar - 1728, 1740, 1766, 1771 then 42 more, the last one I listed is 1799.

These facts explain why there are only 13 cases recorded for the 70 years before 1770.

There are six cases of unwed mothers reporting the fathers of their babies from 1699 to 1760. Sarah Gorie, who may have been a poor child of Tetbury placed where she became pregnant when a servant 1699.
There are 5 cases in the decade to 1770, and 12 base children are baptised in this decade, and for the first 70 years, we had 82 base children. I conclude that there was a change in attitude to base born children and their unwed parents.
The next decade has 18 cases, and then 23. More strangers appear to be involved - one or the other is not a resident of Tetbury.

Hannah Ponten/Panting of Tetbury's male child born 12 Dec 1754 is the son of John Johnson of Henbury Glos He was bonded for 80 pounds and supported by his father Nicholas Johnson of Westbury, and by John Johnson of Bitton, labourer

Hopeful Lockey paid for his son Joseph Lockey's child by Mary Cleaver up to 2 Jan 1784, Reference P328a OV 5/4 dated 28 Dec 1779.

Mary Jones of Tetbury is supported by her father Samuel Jones of Broad Somerford, Wilts, Tetbury reference P328a OV 5/3 dated 1-Jan 1785

Elizabeth Whitfield married 1783 to her soldier when her son was aged 2, spelling of his surname changed from Scott to Eycot.

Overseers cases involving Base children

Entries for Motherhood cases are colour coded darkviolet.
Sarah Gorie named Robert Hedges 1699
Abigail Mayo named William Tomkinson 1708
Susannah Hobbs named John Man 1725
John Man named Joseph Sharp 1725
Hester Brassington named William Loyd 1728
Sarah Minchin named Humphrey Collwell 1740
Hannah Panting named John Johnson 1755
Martha Moon named William Sealy 1761
Susannah Blandford named Thomas Tompson 1764
Frances Crew named Thomas Townsend 1766
Sarah Crew named Ambrose Townsend 1766
Elizabeth Dickman named Thomas Thompson 1766
Catherine Blackwell named John Chapman 1767
Anne Kerry named John Grant 1771
Mary Stogden named Edward Herbert 1772
Hannah Whitford named Samuel Palser 1772
Ann  Mark Bright named Joseph Sharp 1774
Sarah Sharp named John Crow 1774
Hannah Parker named William Hall 1775
Ann Stephens named John Crew 1775
Ann Harding named William Brown 1776
Sarah Savage named Thomas Bamford  1776
Elizabeth Shillam named Thomas Hayward 1776
Sarah Witchell named Richard Heaven 1777
Ann Clay named Richard Harris 1778
Mary Eycott named John Newcourt 1778
Hannah Clark named William Shillam 1779
Mary Cleaver named Joseph Lockey 1779
Elizabeth Philips named William Bury 1779
Sarah Cox named Robert Watts 1780
Mary Smart named William Stokes 1780
Elizabeth Osborne named Robert Smith 1781
Elizabeth Whitfield named Samuel Scott 1781
Ann Harding named John Grant 1782
Mary Mabatt named Joseph Watts 1783
Hester Noaks named Edward Slade 1783
Elizabeth Philips named William Webber 1783
(she has 4 charged to 1789)
Mary Stafford named Samuel Fowler 1783
Jane Ecott (Scott) named Jeremiah Bowles 1784
Betty Graham named John Carrisbrook 1784
Elizabeth King named William Hillier 1784
Elizabeth Taylor named Thomas Watts 1784
Sarah Thomas named James Webb  1784
Mary Jones  supported by her father, 1785
Sarah Payne now Davis named William Davis 1785
Elizabeth Philips named Lazarus Smith 1785
Elizabeth Fletcher named Kedgwin Stout 1787
Elizabeth Brown named John Whitfield 1788
Mary Glover named Thomas Wilkins 1788
Elizabeth Philips named William Hillier 1789
Sarah Griffin named John Hayward 1790
Elizabeth Fletcher named Thomas Smart 1791

Baptised as Base children

Entries for base born children are colour coded darkmagenta.
This list is only from the baptism register. Thus it leaves out children who are noted as 'base' when they are buried. Lidia Stanmore's children are only noted when they died of Smallpox, a month before Mary Stanmore's son Isaac also died in the same epidemic of 1761.

Hester Higgs baptised her baseborn son Charles Townsend in 1704 and he was known as Charles Townsend, Charles Townsend 'alias Higgs' or Charles Higgs

Hester Wright, whose son John born in 1715 is known as 'alias Hone', is a good example of the problems of widowhood, and the problems and penalty for having a base child.

Mary Humphries c  1699
William Underhill son Thomas 1699
Esther Wilkins son Jeremiah 1699
Jone Jarf daughter Mary 1700
Rebekah Longford son Charles 1700
Jane Stephens son James 1700
Margaret Tanner daughter Joan 1700
Sarah Clark daughter Ann 1701
Hannah Issmet daughter Mary 1701
Edith Parker daughter Elizabeth 1701
Margaret Clark daughter Mary 1702
Jane Reeves daughter Ann 1702
Mary Timley daughter Ann 1702
Hester Higgs son Charles Townsend 1704
Hannah Wilkins son Adam 1704
Margaret Hobbs son Lowly 1707
Hester Howard daughter Ann 1708
Sarah Hubburt son Joseph Man 1708
Abygail Mayo son William 1708
Ann Smith daughter Mary 1708
Margaret Mitchel son William 1709
Margaret Shillam son William 1710
Margaret Hobbs son Samuel Grant 1711
Ruth Creed daughter Susanna 1712
Mary Naish daughter Dinah 1712
Mary Cox son Thomas Gibson 1713
Rebecca Lewing daughter Elizabeth 1715
Hester Wright son John 1715
Elizabeth Washburn son George 1716
Ann Gifford daughter Ann 1717
Katharin Price daughter Sarah 1717
Ann Underhill daughter Mary 1717
Francis Ball daughter Mary 1718
Sarah Chambers son Robert 1718
Elizabeth Hunt son Richard 1718
Elizabeth Pering daughter Dinah 1719
Sarah Chambers son Stephen 1720
Mary Shillam son Thomas 1721
Sarah Loyd son Richard 1722
Sarah Washburn son James 1722
Mary Bennet daughter Mary 1723
Mary Brasington son James 1723
Elizabeth Hunt daughter Mary 1723
Margaret Mitchel daughter Mary 1723
Katharen Hunter son John 1724
Susanna Hobbs son John 1725
Elizabeth Long daughter Ann 1726
Hester Brasington son William 1728
Anne Barrat daughter Martha 1730
Hester Prichard son William 1730
Mary Cary daughter Mary 1731
Rachell Taylor daughter Mary 1731
Sarah Wayst son John 1731
Mary Fletcher son John 1732
Ann Pretty daughter Mary 1732
Mary Chambers daughter Elizabeth 1734
Locket son Christopher 1734
Hannah Davies daughter Sarah 1737
Martha Pool daughter Elizabeth 1737
Christian Blake son John 1739
Martha Constable daughter Anne 1739
Elizabeth Jones son James 1740
Sarah Minchin daughter Sarah 1740
Rose Smith son Richard Baily 1740
Elizabeth Baily son Samuel 1741
Sarah Parker daughter Mary 1741
Ann Manning daughter Ann 1742
Mary Bizzey son Thomas 1743
Martha Higgs son Samuel 1743
Hannah Wilkins daughter Sarah 1743
William Crew daughter Ann 1747
Ann Halway son Luke Henry Flewo 1747
Hester Parker daughter Mary 1749
Sarah Martyn son Daniel 1751
Ann Clark daughter Mary 1752
Rachel Neems son William 1758
Rebecca Russ daughter Elizabeth 1759
Hester King daughter Sarah 1760
Martha Moon son Nathan 1761
Mary Stanmore son Isaac 1761
Catherine Blackwell son John 1762
Ann Line son John 1762
Sarah Stephens son William 1763
Elizabeth Parker daughter Elizabeth 1764
Mary Alexander son William 1766
Martha Smith son James 1766
Elizabeth Dickman son George Cherry 1767
Ann Loins son Thomas 1767
Winifred Teague daughter Thomasin 1768
Joseph Ralph daughter Elizabeth 1770

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