The Court Leet in action at Tetbury

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Read Val Tolhurst's article on the establishment of self government in Tetbury.
She sets the scene for my references.

References D 566 M 14 for 25-Jan 1711, D 566 M 24 for 10-Oct 1715, and D 566 B 2/12/1 for 23-Nov 1717 provide early glimpses of the Court Leet in action.

Officials for the year involving 25-Jan 1711
Ale Taster John Bayley, son of Daniel Bayley and John Kery
Carnal John Pagler and Francis Thornbury
Constable William Damsell and William Thomas
Lether Sealer Stephen Arundell and Humpry Butler als Warper,
Wardsman Isaac Browning and William Poole

43 listed as attended Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups on 10-Oct 1715
The Bill for the Dinner itemises 21 Town Jury, 19 Foreign Jury = 40 Officers and Other =44, total 84 dinners at 18 pence each, ale cost 1-07-0, tobacco 6/-, candles 2/- and Paper 6pence.

Philip Bayley, John Blake, Joseph Blake, Francis Cleaver, Henry Crowther, William Drew, Thomas Egerly, Anthony Felton, John Frape, Gilbert Gastrell, John Hall, Mr Haies, Thomas Hayward, Gawin Henderson, John Hiccock, John Hindley, John Ing, Nathaniel Jones, Francis Ludlow, William Marks, John Pagler, Arthur Parker, Giles Pike, Thomas Punter, Dr Randolph, Giles Reeve, Charles Savage, Francis Savage Junior, Francis Savage Senior, William Savage, See the Savage family page, Thomas Seale, Henry Stephens, John Stephens, Benjamin Talboys Junior, Richard Talboys of Dufton, Nathaniel Thomas, Dr Wells, Dr Weston, Walter White, Thomas Wicks, Mathew Wilkins, John Witts, William Skammell Vicar

44 listed as attended Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups on 23-Nov 1717
Jonathan Aish, John Alexander, John Bartholomew (als Smith), John Blake, William Blake, Mr Bridges, Farmer Bruton, James Chamberlin, Francis Clever, Mr Cox, Daniel Craddock, Mr Cripps, Henry Crowther, Mr Damsell, Charles Emly, John Frape, James Gastrell, John Hall, John Henly, Mr Hodges, Doctor Kemm, Mr Ludlow, William Marks, John Martin, Mr Punter, Samuel Punter, Doctor Randolph, Mr Robinson, Mr Saunders, Nathaniel Saunders, Charles Savage, William Savage, Mr Sloper, Benjamin Talboys, Richard Talboys, Francis Thornbury, John Thornbury, Thomas Warren, Mr Wells, Bernard Wickes, George Wickes, Joseph Wilkins, Mathew Wilkins, Parson Woollery

Only 14 appear to attend both meetings, (John Blake, Francis Clever, Henry Crowther, John Frape, John Hall, John Henly/Hindley, William Marks, Doctor Randolph, Charles Savage, William Savage, Benjamin Talboys, Richard Talboys, Mr Wells, Mathew Wilkins)

The Bill from John Pagler for the Court expenses 10 Oct 1726 survived, D566 M24
Dined with the Lords, 27 at 2/6 each
Town Jury, 2 Constables and William Marks 21 at 2/-
Foreign Jury, 2 Wardsmen - ? Young and John Blake, 2 Ale Tasters ? and John Thornbury 21 at 1/6
Thomas Ludlow's dinner 2/6, Wine, Ale and Beer (no price), Candles 1/6, Tobacco 4/-, Fire 2/6, Writing Paper 1/2, extras, Total 14-16-10

26 Dec 1734, catered for Court Leet dinner, 17-19-01

It is not surprising that the Townspeople rebelled against the cost of the Court Leet Dinners.

Aftre 1735 the Court Leet was an annual event resulting in a list of all the members for the year. The results are saved in Tetbury Records D566 M3 and M4, which have a folded packet for each year. They were very good, and the series is (almost) consecutive for at least 27 years - I looked till 1762.
Some of these members got special jobs.
Two lists were the 'Town Jury' and 'Foreign Jury'
Each Jury made a 'Presentment' and gave those named 5 weeks, to 5th Nov which is All Saints Day, to fix the problem.
In 1746, on 29 Sept, the Town Jury listed malfactors who 'forestalled the market', erected posts or rails in the street',etc.
The Foreign Jury appears to deal with the area not covered by the Town Jury, names North Hayes, the Worewell, Magdalen Meadow, the ancient way to Minchinhampton was blocked, water was diverted etc

Foreign Jury charges each to be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty
Samuel Smith and Joseph Webb encroached on highway with a quarry near Warren Gate, penalties of 17-0-0
James Cleaver laying dung in lane leading to the Cross Lanes Do so no more, or pay penalty of 5/-
James Cleaver turned the water leading from Field Well to the New Pool, penalty of 1-10-0
Thomas Wight obstructing watercourse from Magdalene Meadow Well to Field Well, penalty of 1-05-0
Mr Body remove stoppage on Blind Lane, and set up the Gates as heretofor accustomed, penalty of 22-0-0
Trusties of late Mr Berresford with erecting a gate in North Hayes, penalty of 11-0-0
Thomas Butler with erecting a gate in lane to Worewell, penalty of 2-10-0
Thomas Butler, Timothy Purnell and William Savage each with erecting a gate in North Hayes, penalties of 24-5-0
Town Jury has many more charges, each with small penalties,
To be removed by 5 Nov
As forestaller of the Market, or pay penalty of 2-0-0
William Bennett, Robert Chapman, Widow Ann Drew, Hester Graham, Jannat Graham, William Mann, Thomas Miles, Thomas Perrin, Samuel Smith, Charles Townsend, John Webb, John Wright.
For erecting posts or rails before their respective doors, pay penalty of 1-0-0
Daniel Alexander, Thomas Bishop, Widow Body for late Samuel Webbs' house, Thomas Butler, Thomas Carpenter, Rowland Corbett, late Widow Graham of Gumstool Street, Elizabeth Gugley for late Thomas Chamberlin's house, Widow Hayward, John Hobbs for late Collis', The Rev Lewis for Joseph Shillam's house, Widow Lloyd, William Lloyd, Michael Manning, John Martin, Widow Nottely, Mrs Oldham for Giles Hay's house, Daniel Pill, Mrs Pitts, Joseph Ralph, Charles Randolph for Mr Francis Savage's house, John Rudge, Samuel Saunders of late Edgerly's house, William Savage, Widow, Mrs Sloper, Thomas Watts, Jacob Wilkins, Thomas Witchell, Harry Witts for late Thomas Purnell's house, Stephen Fielder, Gabriel Hadnot, Widow Holt, William Mill, Late Samuel Morton
For laying dung in the street, pay 5/-
Edward Baily, Edward Baily, Widow Baily, John Bamford, Richard Bartholomew, Dorothy Battin, Richard Bishop, Thomas Butler, Robert Coats, Jonathan Cork, James Gastrell, John Hayward, Edward Herbert, Widow Hillier, William Hodges, John Hone, John Hopkins, William Long, Charles Ludman, Michael Mills, Robert Parker Butcher, Silvester Parker, John Peters, Timothy Purnell, William Henry Stokes, William Vizard Blacksmith, Harry Watts, Widow Webb, Henry Wells, John White butcher, Rev Wightwick
for laying stone, tiles and rubbish in the street, pay 5/-
John Baldwin, James Gastrell, Samuel Saunders, John Savage, Charles Townsend, Joseph Webb, Daniel Wheeler
for laying timber in the street, pay 4-0-0
William Clark, Rowland Corbett, William Hinton, Daniel Pill, John Reeve, Thomas Witchell
Other Problems, To be repaired or removed by 5 Nov,
Thomas Fielder Cellar window at Crop Keys is open and dangerous to people passing by repair by Nov 5 or pay 10/-
Widow Beal for encroaching in Harper Street by building a wall to keep up her doorway remove by Nov 5 or pay 5/-
Widow Mrs Sloper not keeping the pitching repaired before the door of house of late Edward Sloper repair by Nov 5 or pay 10/-
William Jones stones and rubbish against the Pound Rails remove by Nov 5 or pay 10/-
Joseph Sharp the Younger, for erecting a pig cot in waste ground, remove by Nov 5 or pay 10/-

There is also a list of special duties - two each of Constable, Wardsmen, Leather Sealer, Carnals, Ale Taster and Affoores and one Accountant and Bailif
I do not know what a Leather Sealer did. I fancy it was his job to see that the leather was correctly cured before being used to make shoes or coats. They appeared to select people who worked in the appropriate trade
It took me a while to decide the Carnals were meat testers, not morals police (women who got pregnant were threatened with being whipped, the males appear to be usually ignored)

Ale Tasters
1735 Edward Baily and Edward Morse
1736 William Lamb and Philip Purnell
1737 John Baily and William Stokes
1738 Toby Mill and Philip Purnell
1739 Edward Baily, Taylor and William Jones, Mason
1740 Henry Lance and Matthew Lander
1741 Henry Lance and Matthew Lander
1742 Henry Lance and Matthew Lander
1743 Joseph Hobbs and Samuel Smith
1745 Henry Lance and Thomas Wichell
1746 Abraham Terrill and Joseph Webb
1747 Joseph Hobbs and Henry Lance
1748 William Henry Stokes and Abraham Terrill
1749 William Long and Abraham Terrill
1750 George Cleaver and Joseph Hobbs
1751 John Scammell and Abraham Terrill
1752 John Scammell and Abraham Terrill
1753 William Henry Stokes and Samuel Smith
1754 John Ralph and John Scammell
1735 Daniel Baily and Philip Purnell
1736 Humphry Butler and John Shephard
1737 James Arundell and Toby Mill
1738 John Chamberlin theYounger and George Swinerton
1739 Edward Herbert and Thomas Hill
1740 John Maw and George Swinerton
1741 Philip Purnell and George Swinerton
1742 Philip Purnell and George Swinerton
1743 John Drew and John Mill
1745 Jonathan Chappell and William Smith
1746 Thomas Hill and Stephen Jones
1747 Thomas Hill and Abraham Terrill
1748 Richard Swinerton and Joseph Webb
1749 Stephen Jones and WilliamHenry Stokes
1750 John Mill and Abraham Terrill
1751 WilliamHenryStokes and Samuel Smith
1752 Samuel Scammell and Thomas Stephens
1753 John Mill and Richard Smith
1754 John Mill and
1735 Richard Bishop and Thomas Davis
1736 Robert Hall and Robert Jones
1737 John Morton and Richard Stockwell
1738 Nicholas Lewis and Hungerford Whitford
1739 Thomas Carpenter and Joseph Ralph
1740 Roger Martin and Henry Wells
1741 William Harding and Richard Houldy theYounger
1742 Edward Bailey,Taylor and Hungerford Whitford
1743 Edward Brown and James Weeks
1745 William Jones and John Maw
1746 Daniel Pill and John Rudge
1747 Thomas Goldin and William Hodges
1748 Thomas Goldin and James Warn
1749 Edward Bailey and Thomas Wichell
1750 John ChamberlintheYounger and John Tuck
1751 Nathaniel Bainton and Edward Herbert
1752 Thomas Hill and Robert Watts
1753 Nathaniel Brown and William Clark
1735 John Lamb and Michael Shipton
1736 James Arundell and Michael Shipton
1737 Edward Jud and William Lamb
1738 James Arundell and William Townsend
1739 Robert Cove and John Leonard
1740 James Arundell and Edward Herbert
1741 James Arundell and Edward Herbert
1742 James Arundell and Edward Ind
1743 Edward Herbert and John Sheppard
1745 Thomas Bartholomew and John Keen
1746 Thomas BartholomewalsSmith and John Keen
1747 Edward Ind and John Keen
1748 Thomas Bartholomew and Daniel Butler
1749 Jonathan Brown and Edward Ind
1750 Daniel Butler and John Keen
1751 Jonathan Brown and John Keen
1752 Jonathan Brown and Richard Constable
1753 Jonathan Brown and John Cove
1735 Luke Davis and John Holt
1736 John Maw and George Swinerton
1737 Edward Bailey and Robert Bubb
1738 Edward Brown and John Hobbs
1739 James Arundel and Thomas Williams
1740 William Hodges and Richard Lance
1741 WilliamHenry Staoks and Abraham Terrill
1742 Thomas Goldin and Joseph Hobbs
1743 Nathaniel Brown and James Cleaver
1745 George Phillips and Jonathan Webb
1746 William Long and William Smith
1747 William Clark and James Warn
1748 Jonathan Brown and William Mills
1749 Richard Swinerton and Joseph Webb Mason
1750 William Bennett and Edward Herbert
1751 William Bennett and William Mayell
1752 William Bennett and George Cleaver
1753 William Bennett and Richard Constable
1754 William Bennett and John Cleaver
Other Appointments
Accountant and Bailiff in Court 1746 Henry Crowther
Affeores in Court 1746 John Hone and Isaac Punter
Almoners 1746 Abraham Terrill and Joseph Webb

Regards Elizabeth

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