How Tetbury cared for the Poor

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Charity at Tetbury, or Care of the Poor

The Alms House.

D 566 L 7/8 05-Oct 1722 Christian Norris and Priscilla Joys was given a room at the Alms House

The Foundling House.

On 16 Feb 1758 Sarah Parker expenses with her bastard going to the Foundling House 1-3-0
This is an example of Tetbury benevolence.

Charities were a moving feast. D 566 R 1/6 24-Dec 1726 Abel Pride received 5/- from Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor Elizabeth Hodges in her Will dated 1723 charged her Shipton Moyne Estate with 10 pound for poor housekeepers in Tetbury
The Langstom and Maltby Charity records are various pages in the bundle called D 566 R 1/7, and appears to begin around 1680 when money was bequeathed to the Town, to provide 10 pounds a year for the poor, and also to give them necessary clothing. Of course records are scanty, one torn page included women's garments as well as mens and boys coats.
These come from William Langston and John Maltby, plus money raised in Tetbury from lease of common land.
Victoria History of Longtree Hundred, Tetbury section, page 275 gives some more detail. My photocopies were taken from the book on the shelf at Churchdown Library.

Who benefited? Poor children of the town were given clothes and apprenticeships, small sums of money were distributed, men and women got coats.

The Langstom and Maltby Charity records

The Langstom and Maltby Charity records are various pages in the bundle called D 566 R 1/7, and appears to begin around 1680 when money was bequeathed to the Town, to provide 10 pounds a year for the poor, and also to give them necessary clothing. Of course records are scanty, one torn page included women's garments as well as mens and boys coats. So I believe the annual gifts were more numerous than I found evidence of.

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P 328a OV 3/1/2 13-Jan 1701 Abel Pride had a Settlement problem, he and his wife legally belongs to Tetbury
D 566 R 1/6 24-Dec 1726 Abel Pride received 5/- from Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Not in Census Joseph 50, and his daughter Sarah 15

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
P328a OV 5/2 20-Apr 1744 Joseph Pride wife Ann and daughter Sarah aged about seven weeks had a Settlement problem with the Overseers of Dursley. The actions leading to their removal took 4 years.
P328a OV 3/3/1 17-Nov 1748 Joseph Pride wife Ann, Sarah go from Dursley
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1767 Ann Pride received 6d at Christmas inside Column 3, Langstom and Maltby Charity,
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1773 Ann Pride received 6d at Christmas inside Column 4, Langstom and Maltby Charity

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
26-Dec 1748, Page 523 Joseph Pride Ann his supposed wife, and Sarah his daughter Dursley wants them removed to Tetbury, our Vestry are putting in a protest. It looks like Dursley were succesful, the family becomes a charge on Tetbury Overseers
26-Dec 1748, Page 526 Joseph Pride Ann his supposed wife, and Sarah his daughter were given 6/8 On 01-May 1749 Joseph Pride wife received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 01-May 1749 Joseph Pride wife ill, given extra 6d
On 04-Feb 1754 Joseph Pride received 2/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 04-Mar 1754 Joseph Pride was given 6d, wife being ill
On 01-Apr 1754 Joseph Pride was given 3/- wife being ill
On 20-May 1754 Ann Pride being ill received 4/-
On 20-May 1754 Joseph Pride received 2/9 allowance each 4 weeks
On 23 Jan 1758 Ann Pride received 1/-
On 23 Jan 1758 Joseph Pride received 3/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 11 Dec 1758 Joseph Pride received 3/- allowance each 4 weeks

William Pride baptised his son William on 16980521.

John Saunders in his Will dated 17 June 1706 leaves his Aunt Sarah wife of William Pride 40 shillings.

Abell Pride baptised his daughter Anne on 17231110.
Abell Pride was buried on 17270317.
James Pride buried a Child on 17170107.

Joseph Pride buried his daughter Sarah on 17500613.
Joseph Pride, aged 74, was buried on 17591207.

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