Apprenticeships in Tetbury

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Apprenticeship Records for Tetbury Children, 1661 to 1750

I have been able to find traces in Tetbury records of 175 apprentices trained by 168 Masters in the 90 years to 1750. Most of the records between 1725 and 1740 are missing.
30 girls are known to have Apprenticeships, most learning housewifery. At least two of the Masters are women - a Dame and a Widow. Wives are routinely included in the Indenture, with their husband, implying she will continue the training when her husband died. This has sometimes been the only time I found the wife's name in the records I saw.

Poor children of Tetbury were supplied with the clothes they needed as an Apprentice, placed with a Master who was paid 50/- and bound with an Indenture that cost 7/-. The records of these three steps do not always survive.
P328a OV 4/1 are 59 Apprenticeship Indentures from 24 July 1661 (Elianor Swayne) to 2 Jul 1698 (Samuel Davis) between the Churchwardens, Overseers and the 'poor child of Tetbury' on one hand, and the Master and his wife on the other hand.
P328a OV 4/2 is 45 Apprenticeship Indentures from 15 June 1700 (Thomas Purnell) to 6 Aug 1729 (Richard Thornbury).
P328a OV 4/3 is 22 Apprenticeship Indentures with 17 dated 1762 to 1825. The earliest is 23 Aug 1716 (Damases Pinnock), then Robert Crook 1730, Jude Merchant 1735, Martha Barret 1741 and Robert Clark 1742.
D566 L 7/8 is the Town Ffeoffes (the Thirteen) account book, and records, among other expenses, the payments of a fee to the Master who took an Apprentice. It was signed by the members of the Thirteen each year. The earliest date is 4 Jul 1719.
The records are scanty - John Thornbury was paid 3/- for writing the Court Rolls on 24 Dec 1726, and 4/6 writing them for 3 years on 24 Dec 1728. Later (1737) Daniel Warner, the Teacher of the Poor School, is also paid to write up the Account book, and he recorded more detail.
P328a OV 2/1 and OV 2/2 are the Overseers monthly accounts beginning in 1741 to 1759, and William Marks is paid 3/4 a month to write them. He is later replace by John Brown who recorded his 'salary 3/4' each month. Overseers were more generous with their clerk, so have left better records than did the Thirteen.

Recorded by the Commissioner of Stamps

More prosperous parents or guardians were able to arrange an Apprenticeship, and pay the charge plus a tax. These transactions are recorded by the Commissioners of Stamps. Where the Stamp Duty was paid in London, entries are found in the City Registers, and when it was paid elsewhere, entries will be found in the County Registers.
I found the County Registers at Kew Public Record Office have big gaps for the period 1720 to 1750 (my study focus).
IR 1 Volume 44 - 5 has the years 1715 to 1719
IR 1 Volume 46 - 7 has the years 1719 to 1722
IR 1 Volume 48 ends January 1725.
IR 1 Volume 49 contains the years 1728 to 1730
IR 1 Volume 50 has the years 1741 to 1747
IR 1 Volume 51 covers 1750 to 1754, and then the record is consecutive.
There is an Index available, but it is only of surnames, and not of towns. Good for you looking for an ancestor, not helpful for me, as I found some Aprentices or Masters are only associated with Tetbury for this process.


Anne Amos  John Amos  Samuel Amos  Elizabeth Appleyard  John Appleyard  Mary Appleyard  John Archard  Mathew Archard  Francis Baily  Francis Ball  John Barratt  Martha Barrett  Elizabeth Barrow  Thomas Bartholomew als Smyth  Robert Bennet  Elizabeth Bennett  John Bishop  John Blake  Joseph Bolton  Anthony Bowman  Edward Bowman  John Brasington  Henry Browning  John Browning  Edward Browton  William Bugg  Edward Butler  James Button 
William Chambers  Jonathan Chappell  Robert Clarke  John Cleaver  Thomas Cleaver  John Clifford  Richard Cole  Dorcas Colet  John Collis  Boy Collis  Charles Constable  Thomas Constable  William Constable  Charles Constable als Foster  Thomas Craddock  James Crook  John Crook  Robert Crook  John Crow 
boy Davis  Elizabeth Davis  John Davis  Samuel Davis  John Dickason  Elizabeth Dinch  John Driver  Samuel Dyer  John Eldridge  Thomas Evans  Samuel Farmer  Edward Fielder  John Fielder 
Henry Gagg  Girl Galpin  James Galpin  Charles Galping  Richard Graham  Elizabeth Gyfford  Margaret Gyfford  John Haines  John  Hall  Mary Hall  John Harvey  John Higgs  Jacob Hillier  William Price Holiday  William Hollister  Samual Hopkins 
Ambrose Ind  Rebecca Ind  William Ind  Nathan Jakob  Timothy Jayes  Joseph Jones  Ann Kary  Abraham King  Ann King  Robert King  Thomas King  Paul Laughton  John Leonard  Katherine Lloyd  Samuel Long  Henry Ludlow  Mary Lyddiard 
Joseph Man  Boy Martin  Hannah May   Charles Mayo  Jude Merchant  William Miles  Phiillip Millard  John Musgrove  Charles Palmer  George Parker  John Parker  William Patrick  Edward Pickett  Thomas Pike  William Pike  Josiah Pinnegar  Damases Pinnock  Richard Pope  James Prene  Sarah Price  Richard Pritchard  Thomas Purnell 
John Randell  William Reeves  Susanna Richmond  Edward Roberts  Samuel Rogers  John Sartin  Benjamin Saunders  John Saunders  William Saunders  John Savage  William Savage  Daniel Scott  James Scripture  John Seal  Thomas Sharp  Daniel Shatton  William Shillam  Ann Smart  Elizabeth Smart  Samuel Smith  Mary Stephens  Jane Stevens  Robert Stevens  Anne Stokes  Eleanor Swayne 
John Taylor  Rebecca Terrill  Samuel Terrill  Richard Thornbury  James Thornton  Joseph Tucker  John Turner  William Undrill  William Vaysey  Edward Waight  John Walker  Thomas Watts  Cornelius Webb  James Webb  Thomas Webb  Daniel Wheeler  Martha Wheeler  Samuel White  Thomas White  William White  Matthew Wilkins  Samuel Wilkins  Samuel Wilthers  John Wilton  Samuel Wisby  John Witts  James Wright  Samuel Young 


Robert Adams  Daniel Alexander  John Andrews  James Antins  William Atwood  Daniel Baily  Edward Baily  Thomas Barrett  John Barrow  Nathaniel Battin  Daniel Bayly  Philip Bayly  Thomas Bayly  William Belcher  Stephen Birk  Edward Bizy  John Bizy  Joseph Blake  Nathaniel Body  Henry Bonner  Thomas Brasington  Abraham Britton  Abraham Britton  Jonathan Brown  Samuel Bubb  Samuel Bubb  Francis Buckingham  Humphry Butler  Humphry Butler  John Butler  John Butler  Thomas Butler  Thomas Byam 
William Certain  Francis Chamberlin  Edward Chambers  Edward Chambers  Thomas Chappell  John Clark  William Coldwell  Thomas Cole  Richard Constable  Richard Constable  John Cooke  Rowland Corbett  Rowland Corbitt  Thomas Cornish  Robert Cove  Daniel Craduck  Obed Creed  Thomas Curnorb  Samuel Davis als Wirkes  Daniel Driver  Thomas Edgerly  Thomas Edgerly  Thomas Edgerly  John Eldridge  Thomas Evans  Samuel Ewer  Thomas Felton 
Joseph Gardner  Gabriel Hadnot  John Harding  Richard Harding  Richard Harding  Obadiah Hayward  John Higgs  John Hill   Francis Hillier  Joseph Hillier  William Hodges  William Hooper  William Hooper  Francis Huggins  James Ind  Robert Ind  Robert Ind  Robert Ind  Robert Jones  John Kingston  William Knight 
Henry Lewis  Roger Lewis  Charles Lloyd  Cove Lloyd  William Lloyd  William Loyd  Henry Lucas  Thomas Lusty  Joseph Major  William Mann  Nathaniel Mayo  Thomas Miles  John Moreton  John Morton  Abraham Munday  Richard Norris  Richard Norris  Henry Norton  John Overbury  Robert Parker  Josiah Paul  Josiah Paul  Robert Payne  William Perriman  John Pick  Thomas Picketts  Thomas Pike  Anthony Polson  Thomas Poole  Stephen Power  John Price  Timothy Purnell 
Samuel Randell  Samuel Randell  Richard Read  Giles Reeve  William Reeve  John Rice  Samuel Richards  Samuel Rogers  Thomas Rudge  William Sartin  William Savage  Samuel Seaburn  Samuel Seaburn  Stephen Seagar  John Seal  Edward Seale  John Sidman  William Simpson  Jeremiah Smith  John Smith  John Smith  William Stephens  William Stokes  George Swinerton 
John Tanner  Edward Teakle  Samuel Teakle  Thomas Teakle  Thomas Terrell  John Terrill  Thomas Thornbury  William Townsend  Peter Trimball  Edward Tugwell  John Turner  John Turner  Thomas Viner  James Walkly  Giles Wayte  Joseph Webb  Joseph Webb  Joseph Webb  Richard Webb  Thomas Webb  George White  Jonathan Wickes  Moses Wicks  Joshua Wilkins  Robert Wilkins  Thomas Witchell  Edward Young 

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