<BGSOUND SRC="/mariangen/fromadistance.mid">
My Creason Great Grandparents
Great Grasndfather John Albert Cornish
Great Grandmother Elizabeth T Creason Cornish
daughter of Judge David Creason and Sarah Desdamona Garrett Creason
In Searching for my Cornish Grandfather, I also was made aware of  who our Great Great  Grand parents were on my  great grandmother Cornish's side.
I recieved all this information from two sources, first from Cousin Kurtis Cornish, and from Rev. James Creason.
No One will ever know the thrill my brother and I feel at having found our family roots.
In the Top Photo are my great Uncles, George, and Edwin Cornish  with brother,
Albert Marion Cornish, (my Grandfather).
In the bottom Photo are Loyd Tucker, Bertha Maybell Barrett Cornish, Peggy Tucker,
Albert Marion Cornish, (my dad) and other half brother Edwin Tucker.
The photo at the left is of My Great Great Grandparents, Judge David Creason and Sarah Desdamona Garrett Creason. The gentleman at the far left is a brother of Judge Creason.
Linda Lee Cornish
About Me
Albert Marion Cornish Jr
Ruby Cornish McKinsey
Sister to Albert Edwin and George Cornish