Baptist pastor for 52 years.
1830 Census in Lowndes county, GA. (one male, 4 females in household).
1860 Census in Ware county, GA. (page 123, line 24) (rest of the family is different... this may not be same Reuben Crawford)
ordinances repeated 1991 Provo
listed in 1830 Lowndes county, GA census, along with Reuben and Gideon Crawford. Household listed as having 2 males and 3 females. A James Crawford (father?) is also listed.
Listed in 1860 Charlton county, GA census (Trader's Hill, 27 June 1860), along with Mary A., Elias, Evaline. Also listed in household are Louise, Gideon, Jane, and Sarah Howard, Anguish Baily, and Aaron Chisum.Reported to be listed in 1885 Florida Census (Baker or Nassau?)
if born 1794 then county is McIntosh
Ordinance work repeated at jordan river temple 1982, and again 1990
All temple work repeated 1987 in Oakland temple.
Bap, End repeated 20 Mar 90 at Los Angeles Temple.
Bap, End, SP repeated 26 July 91 at SLake Temple.
S.Spouse repeated 23 July 1992 at SLake, and again 27 Jul 1992 at SLake.
Wife #1 and Wife #2 may be same person.
Robert's Bap, End, and SP were repeated Apr 1991 in Atlanta Temple.
Robert's birthplace is possibly Newton CO., GA
Sealing to Spouse (Palatyre Huff) was repeated 24 Jun 1984 in Provo Temp.
Name also listed as Palatine Hoff in I.G.I.
Bap, End repeated 1991 St. George Temple