Ancestors of Robert Hayes CRAWFORD


16. William (A.) Robert CRAWFORD

Charlton county, GA census 1860.... Trader's Hill 26 Jun 1860, listed next to Matthew A.B. Howard's family (his brother-in-law).
William, Sarah, Franklin, and William A. listed, along with John C. Bennett and Lucenda Bennett.

17. Sarah A. CRAWFORD

Ordinances also done in 1972 Provo

18. Jeremiah (Jerry) DAVIS

May be the same as "Jeremiah Davis" listed in 1860 Charlton county, GA census (Trader's Hill, 29 Jun 1860). That household is listed as:
Jeremiah Davis 52 male
Mary Davis 20 female
Henry Davis 15 male
Samuel Davis 13 male
John Davis 9 male
Kessiah Davis 8 months, female

there is also a Jeremiah Davis listed in the 1850 Camden county GA census, p 34 line 27, with similar family members.

Also listed in 1860 charlton county census is a family headed by "B. F. Davis"... benjamin franklin is a common name among mary davis' posterity.

19. Mary BATTEN

Ancestral File lists a family Headed by Isham Batten and Temperance Powers, who had a child named Mary Batten born in Lowndes county, GA in 1841. This is likely the same Mary Batten who married Jerry Davis and had Mary L. Davis in 1863.

an Isham Batten is listed in the 1840 Lowndes county census, head of a household containing 5 males and one female. this family is not listed in the 1850 lowndes census.

A mary davis, aged 20 is listed in the 1860 charlton county census, living with "Jeremiah Davis"... if this is Mary Batten (the age would be about right), then she is probable the second wife, as Jeremiah is 32 years older, and there are several teenage children in the home.

20. Matthew Albritton Bergsteiner HOWARD

Some confusion about death year. Pension request lists death as 1892. Ordinances repeated 1992 Provo.

listed in 1860 Charlton county, GA census (Trader's Hill, 26 Jun 1860). listed next to his family is his brother-in-law, William R. Crawford.

23. Cecelia (Selie) BOHANNON

Baptized as Selie Bohannon.
Baptized by Elder Lester A. Stevenson.