The "Friends of Alexander Deihl" is a non-profit organization
established to help children and their families who have been
affected by a crippling disorder or are terminally ill. This organization is approved by the
Internal Revenue Service as a non profit
organization and is a member participant of the
Southeastern Pennsylvania United Way.
Our donor number is #10128.
The organization was named to honor Alexander Deihl,
who is suffering from a disorder called Menkes Disease.
Alex was born in 1992 and suffers from the rare neurodegenerative disease for which there is no
known cure. Children affected with this disease
rarely reach their fourth birthday.
Our goal is to assist Alex's friends throughout
the world who have special needs and have
limited funding for things such as special chairs,
car seats, exercise equipment, bath lifts,
computers for the blind, ramps, or even toys that are
improvised for use for the disabled. These items are all
very expensive, but extremely necessary.