Karen Arthur

Christian Writer, Songwriter, Poet & Speaker

Inspirational Poetry, Fiction, Articles

Lyrics and Music

Welcome to my website.

I am a Student and Member of

Jerry Jenkins Christian Writer's Guild

Member of

The Rockwall Christian Writer's Group

The Gospel Music Artist's Association

Trinity Life Church in Garland

Hearts in Harmony Ladies Group

All To Pieces Quilting Club

Preserving Memories Scrapbook Club


The Gospel Music Artist's Association Convention

The North Texas Christian Writer's Conference

Several Lady's Conferences which include

Great Hills Retreats & Women of Faith

I feel God has called me to write and share the message of God's love and help spread His Word to others.  I love to share my poetry and tell how God has led me to write and find His direction for my life.  He has a plan for everybody and we only need to seek His will for our lives. 

I believe in the One, true, living God who created the world and everything in it. (Read Genesis 1)

I believe Jesus is the Son of God who came to earth in human form to die on the cross as a living sacrifice for our sins so we could seek His forgiveness and live eternally with Him in Heaven.  (Read John 3-16)

I believe the Holy Spirit is God in Spirit who lives within us as we believe and accept Jesus as the Son of God and our Savior to the world. (Read    )

I believe that all we have to do is pray and ask for forgiveness for our sins and trust with all our hearts and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and we will be saved. (Read Acts 16:32)

And I believe that the bible is the Inspired Word of God without error.







The Gospel Music Artist's Association
Trinity Life Baptist Church in Garland
Kaylyn, my granddaughter
Lacey & James
Meet my family
Fun Crafts