We were coming back from Boise the other day and after we left Ogden, we went up the canyon. It was getting lunchtime so we stopped at the little view area at Devil's Slide. I had seen the sign for Devil's Slide many times but had never paid it any mind. Today was the day I stopped.
The Devil's Slide is just a wide place in the canyon along Interstate 84. The canyon runs roughly East to West, and on the north side is a gravel pit which has been in existence for many decades. The walls are very steep and quite barren, save for a little scrub cedar. Where we stopped was within spitting distance of the river, which is basically a runoff from mountain snows. I got out of the camper and was looking around when I observed two sharp ridges of rock running from the top of the mountain down to the river. You could not see the top of the mountain, but I assumed the two ridges extended all the way to the top.
When you looked at this rock it appeared that someone had taken wide pieces of slate and stuck them into the ground about twenty or thirty feet apart, all the way down the mountain side. It looked first like a flume, then BINGO! It was the Devil's slide!At first I looked across the canyon to see if the rock striations continued on the other side. But I could not discern them if they did. I figured the erosion and millions of years had worn them away. But after I saw the slide I felt like a dummy for not having discerned it earlier, and also for all the times. I had traveled that road and not stopped.
After lunch the wife got out of the camper. I was working a crossword puzzle when she opened the door and ask, "Are they eagles or what over there?"
I looked out the window, saw nothing, then alit from the camper. Lo and behold there were five eagles riding the air currents. They had swooped down the mountain to the south of us, across the road then up, crossing canyon, then up again. They drifted around for a little while then moved eastward, toward a sharp hill, or Small Mountain. There they just floated without moving their wings, circling, circling, climbing higher and higher. One of them went so high it was hard to pick him out.
All at once the thing hit me about 'eagles soaring', for here it was. Eagles soaring over this little canyon in Eastern Utah. After they soared really high, they floated over to the south and out of our sight. Then after they disappeared over the top of the mountain to the Southeast of us, it hit me how they had their wings extended, turning and playing the air currents, and how gliders, parasails and hang gliders have copied their actions. It is unbelievable how little energy they expend just floating and wafting on air currents. Then I noticed that with a slight alteration to the shape of their wings how they changed their flight patterns.
I stood there and hoped they would come around and make another circuit, but they didn't. Then all at once a lone Eagle came down the mountain, across the road, then straight up to a goodly altitude. It curved around and from someplace another one appeared. They flew together for about fifteen minutes before they disappeared.
After they disappeared I stood there marveling at what we had just seen. I wondered if many people have ever observed Bald Eagles soaring over a canyon like we had? It sure as heck did make my day.
Next week when we start to British Columbia, I think we will take a rest break at Devil's Slide and see if we can watch Eagles Soar again!