<bgsound src="midis/sunmoon.mid" loop=infinite>

ŠTom Wyoming

Ahhh It Is Fall
Just the sun and people around.

Some work, some play
Others hope for another day.

But a fall day is something
To behold for it seems to
Make some overbold.

Some folks strut and
Show off on time,
Others seem to stay closer
And relish the day.

Why oh why is it that
Every nice fall day,
Some nut must mow, rake,
Or use those darn power tools?

I ain't religious, I do not
Do church. But the Sabbath
Is one of complete bliss?

It is a day of peace,
A day to reflect,
And if the family is at hand
It's a day to enjoy overly so.
For not many of these days
Will most of us know?

Tis football season, yes I know.
Comes so early and oh gosh
What shows? So garish,
So stupid, and so much put on.
But why did I watch and
Waste my time?

For walking around in the yard,
Signs of fall are all out to see.
The pumpkins are near ripe
The gourds about grown
The tomatoes so large,
But not yet ripe. Oh what
A gorgeous sight.

The tree leaves are
Starting to brown.
While other bushes
Seem to say, Wow!
Tis time for me to rest.

And the birds, oh yes
The birds it seems,
Act so funny and
Do such odd things.
They know, oh yes
They know. Afore
Long it will snow.

The sun this morning
Was mighty far south,
For it barely light
On the far side of the house.

The summer flowers are oh
So tired. They say it is
Time for a rest. But the mums
And some of their kind,
Oh they are growing
In overtime.

Well, I suppose for
Me, tis time to think
Of the big change.

Gosh maybe next week
I will need to put
On shoes.
And in the evening
I'll bet, a sweater will
Feel fine. And of course
The long trousers
Will come off the line.

So I'd best go and
Check all the rest,
And make sure
Ma knows it too.
So that big old quilt shows
Up on the bed,
And warmth we will know.

(TOMWYO: Sept12,99)

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