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ŠThe Goatherder

Most of the time in what I read
People who write
Have one problem indeed
And that is a subject which to write about.
But not being a writer
No doubt, I indeed have a leg up
On all of those who profess to be.
I write about critters and things,
Things I have seen and
Some I even understand.
But most of all what I write is
About something that
Is interesting to me!
About something from which
I can extract
A smile, or a smirk,
Heck even a grin.
When I am
penning these things
I grin, I smile, I smirk and I wince.
And I often reminisce!
I think of things I have done,
I think of places I have been,
And oh yeah,
I think of all the jams
I have been in!
I think it is funny, but I guess not to them
For I just sit down and let the
Mind wander and try to see if
The fingers can keep up and land
On the home keys!
I write for pleasure,
I write for fun,
But most of all
Writing to me,
Is a big success. If
Someone reads my little essays
And laughs or grins, or
If maybe even smirk,
They know where I have been.
So all of you Longfellows and Keats
And Poes and Frosts;
Forget the Pulitzer you want
And be like me.
Just write what you think
And if it is humorous to you, then
I would bet someone like me
Will sit up and grin.
But most of all to you few
Who read this,
When in doubt and if
You have any fears,
Go climb a tall tree and
Look all around.
Observe the sky
Observe the trees
Relax, enjoy.
And if you are lucky like me
You may have someone
To climb the tree with thee.
(tomWYO, Nov 14, 99)

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