ŠThe Goatherder
Yesterday the wind blew and then today it was supposed to blow even harder.
And boy did it ever! Heck, yesterday a pickup truck up north was blown over while
moving down the road. It must have been just south of Chugwater for that place
has some infamous winds.
But that was yesterday and this is today.
Went out to get the papers this morning, just a little before daylight,
and as I was going out the walk, I saw something floating over near Storey.
And upon a second look, I saw it was the body from an old Volkswagen beetle.
My that thing was just floating along as if it were floating on a nice,
slow and lazy river. Sort of shook me, but what the heck.
This is Wyoming!
After breakfast, I headed off to the gym and as we went out Storey and neared
Yellowstone, I saw two canoes, one tied to the other,
floating down Yellowstone. And over toward the AT&T Building, boy I would say
the wind was sorta strong. Then as we drove into the base, we saw, from the turnoff
of I 25 to the base gate, a flock of Canada Geese actually flying backwards.
That was quite funny to see 25 or 30 Geese flapping their wings and going backwards.
Ah, but what do you expect around here?
This is Wyoming.
Later, we were leaving the the base by the South gate when I saw three rail cars tipped over.
And then I saw a semi on the Interstate lift up, oh maybe five or ten feet,
and float over, onto Missile Drive. Heck, I sure hope the driver wanted to go that direction,
cause if he didn't, old Mother Nature sure did put him there.
But that was not half as bad as when we got up to Frontier Park and saw six,
yes six, sections of that portable corral floating over the South grandstands.
Sure glad I wasn't working under them or even just traveling anywhere near Eighth Avenue.
Then as I was commenting about the corral fence I saw two joggers with their
feet still moving, floating down from up the Country Club Road.
Shucks I would not have wanted to be in their stead when the wind dropped off
and they returned to the ground. But my oh my would not it have been fun while you were airborne,
just floating along above the ground?
Well we got home and I changed my glasses. There had to be something wrong with the ones I was wearing,
I figured, because I was stone cold sober! But as I went through the utility room
I looked out, I saw an English Sheep dog standing on my Motorhome!
I rubbed my eyes and before I could open the back door he just lifted up
and floated over toward Keith Horton's. I'm durn glad he did not land on our new house, which is over that way.
I laughed and told the wife that I needed a cuppa and some ginger snaps to get my head screwed back on.
Being that I'm not a drinking man, I hardly knew to what I should
attribute the things I had seen.
I had just had my coffee and changed clothes when I heard the wife say that one of the wheel covers
on the camper was missing. I went to investigate.
Before I dared to venture out past the back yard, however, I picked up three cinder blocks and took them along.
Luckily, my trip outside was without incident.
I eventually returned to the house, had lunch, and then went to bed.
It had been quite a day; I had seen enough.
(tomWYO, Nov 26, 99)
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