Sunset In Wyoming Sat down to dinner with my chair facing west and the sun was in my eyes but I chose the blinds not to be closed then in a few as the sun sank into the trees the colors started to appear. First there was a little orange then some red and before long those long thin streaky clouds started to get a tint and then the higher ones of course could not be outdone so they too took a tinge of red, blue, and orange like an artist had just sprayed his paint trying to throw it away but the base down in the trees was still bright yellow with lots of little rays and as I sat, nearly forgetting to eat I marveled and watched and thought, dum how neat. How many people besides the wife and I are seeing this marvel that will never be again? Oh yes, sunsets will happen ever day but this one so beautiful has come and passed away. I look in awe and marvel much at this phenom that I get to see. For if you really stop and think where is there more, original art in this world? More true art and marvelous sights than sitting watching sunsets just before the night? On the other hand, the sunrises which start the day are just as brilliant and boy do they make a wondrous start for a day. So my friends,take a tip from me This evening, just position yourself in a nice spot and watch the sun go down, and then think how it is to me an old goatherder always out every morn and then just before night. Why would I ever want to see some art gallery, with things man has dreamed up and thinks great? When each morn as I sit on a hill and each evening as I sit a similar place around I get to see the wonders God has brought? (March 26, 00)