Mr. Blue Jay

© The Goatherder

As I sit down
and the drape is opened wide
I look out and
guess what I see?
Just as I look upon the hill
and there topping a telephone pole
is a hawk, just sitting and looking
for some breakfast this morn.
And then now over twenty feet from me
a big old Blue Jay lands in a tree.
He no more lands then
he really starts to squawk
Then he jumps down to the ground
and picks up a bird bush seed.
Then back up to his former perch
he flies, then
squawks some more
with a big seed in his mouth.
Then off he flies.
But in a few secs
he is back again
squawking and trying
to be boss of what
he considers
his realm.
I sit and laugh
and forget all
for watching Mr. Blue Jay
has put a good start
on what was a miserable day.
Well, guess
to work I should go
and leave Mr. Blue Jay
to rule his realm.

Now what the wife and I
call bird bushes are
bushes with lots of red berries.
The birds eat the berries and the bushes propagate.
Someday I will find the proper name,
but for now, who really cares.
Oh, now there are
some wrens on the ground
pecking about
and Mr. Blue Jay
he sits on the fence
and does not wish the
wrens a nice day.
He ha
As my momma used to say,
Bossy is as bossy does!

(March 26, 00)

Have a beautiful
peaceful day