
The  Peck Family


Our two Ethiopian daughters arrived from Africa on September 15.  We met them in Salt Lake City, and drove home (6 hours) the next day.


On Sunday, December 26, the Butte Montana Standard newspaper ran a large article on our family and adoptions.  To read it click here.

For more photos of our new girls, Joy and Becky; Updated 12/21/99


...for the full story from the beginning.


Previous Updates:

September 9, 1999:  One of our daughters has all her visas, the other still needs one paper.  Tentative, probable arrival date is September 15. (can't wait!!)

September 2, 1999 Update:  The approval for the visas was issued!  We were called by the International Affairs office in Washington D.C.  The girls should be here within two weeks.  Praise God with us!!