Cliff Browning, Code Enforcement Officer for our area presented our atttendees with a Question and Answer Session. A general guide to code enforcement is:
Interior InspectionsPlumbing, Electric, HVAC, Structural and Finish work
Unsanitary Conditions
Overcrowded Conditions
Dwelling Units Unfit for Human Habitation
Unsafe Buildings
Smoke Detectors
Carbon Monoxide Detection
Pest Infestations
Exterior Inspections
Roof, Gutters and Downspouts, Chimneys, Porches, and Stairways
Siding, Doors, Windows, and Foundations
Exposed and Untreated Wood Surfaces
Accessory Structures: Garage, Sheds, Fences
Yard Conditions (Litter, Dead/Dying Trees)
Sidewalks and Retaining Walls
Vacant Sructures Secured and Maintained in Accordance with City Code
Inoperable Motor Vehicles on Private Property
Outdoor Storage of: Junk, Salvage, Auto Parts, Appliances, Furniture and Building Materials
Parking Vehicles in Front of the Building Setback Line or on an Unimproved Surface
Parking Commercial Vehicles on Residential Lots
Parking Boats, Campers, Trailers, RV's: In Required Parking Spaces, In Front of the Building Set Back Line or on an Unimproved Surface
Motor Vehicle Repair on Cars not Belonging to Residents
Home Occupations in Residential Districts
Yard Sales and Garage Sales
Graphics/Signs - Residential and Commercial
Site Plan Compliance - Parking Lot Layout, Landscaping and Screening
Alterations or Improvements Without Required Permits
Home Improvement Contractors Without Proper License or Required Permits
Door prizes were awarded.
Door prizes will again be given at the November General Meeting. Watch for the next flyer coming to your door the weekend before the meeting! Please plan on attending!
It is official - Our Signs Are Up!! Look at either end of your street to see the blue signs announcing our neighborhood as a Blockwatch Community.
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