Hauntz Park Community Blockwatch General Meeting Minutes |
March 16, 2000 6:30 pm |
Guest Speaker: Columbus Fire Department - Pat Ferguson Focus: Fire Safety |
Suggestions brought up by attendees to improve our community: - need for trash containers in the park - need to apply for grants to improve the park - need to apply for grants for the purposes of providing gifts for deaths in the family, new neighbors (i.e., welcome wagon gifts), farewell gifts for those who leave our neighborhood |
Need for Street Captains raised as an issue - One attendee showed possible interest
Need for Co-Coordinator also raised - No interest from attendees present
The need remains an issue - for more information on becoming a street captain, please refer to Duties of a Street Captain on this site (coming soon) or call your current Captain, Coordinator, Information Officer, or Secretary - phone numbers are given on the flyers and Newsletter which are distributed to your doors periodically |
Our guest speaker for the evening was Firefighter Pat Ferguson. He spoke to the attendees regarding fire safety issues. A brief synopsis follows from the questions asked by attendees of Mr. Ferguson: SMOKE DETECTORS - having smoke detectors is a very basic necessity - placing one on each level of the home is standard practice - having one in every room is even better - change the battery every time the time changes - TEST MONTHLY - a smoke detector should be replaced at least every 10 years FIRE EXTINGUISHERS - it is a good idea to have a fire extinguisher in the garage, kitchen, and basement where most fires begin - *NOTE* a small fire extinguisher can be purchased in hardware stores for less than $20 - if you own a large fire extinguisher, it will occasionally need recharged - for small fire extinguishers that lose their charge, just replace them CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS - carbon monoxide detectors have become common items in homes also - it is inexpensive piece of equipment and you only need one placed near the cold intake air vent of your furnace; read the instructions in the package FOR THOSE WHO SMOKE - those individuals who smoke need to make sure that they extinguish their cigarettes before falling asleep as many fires are caused by cigarettes falling onto something flammable such as a furniture cushion, or a mattress HOMES WITH FIREPLACES - homeowners who use fireplaces in the winter need to make sure that all flames are extinguished before retiring for the evening ELECTRIC & KEROSENE HEATERS - electric and kerosene heaters should be turned off before retiring for the evening DRYERS - clean the lint trap in your dryer after every load of laundry is finished to ensure proper air flow from the dryer - clean under the dryer at least once per year as lint can get trapped underneath and catch on fire - an electric dryer has an open bottom with an exposed element much like the one in an electric oven - a gas dryer has an open flame at the bottom OPEN FLAME - keep everything away from an open flame and especially do not store combustible material near the flame as the fumes alone can start a fire |
The Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm |
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