About Hauntz Park Blockwatch

The Hauntz Park Community Blockwatch was formed as a way to unite the citizens in our five-street area.  It is a way to get to know your neighborhood better, not only on your own street, but also on the streets to either side of you and beyond. The boundaries are Larcomb Avenue to the east, Nashoba Avenue to the west, the north side of Mound Street to the south and the south side of Sullivant Avenue to the north.  This five-street blockwatch was formed not only to help deter crime, but also to unite the neighborhood with public events in Hauntz Park, to clean up and improve the park, and to get you to know your neighbors better. If you would like to see something added to this website, please send email to hauntzpark@yahoo.com and every effort will be made to post the material as long as it fits into the guidelines of the blockwatch and the server for the site.

We have two types of meetings.  The Captain's Meetings are held every month on the second Thursday of the month.  The General Meetings are held every other month on the third Thursday of the month.  It is important to attend the meetings, especially if you have a question or concern that you want addressed. At the General Meetings, we try to have at least one speaker from an organization which the Captains have decided is important to have at our meetings. If you have any suggestions for a speaker that you would like to have appear, please contact us at
hauntzpark@yahoo.com. We appreciate any and all suggestions. Please watch your doors the Saturday before the General Meeting for a flyer regarding the upcoming meeting for the Agenda and speaker information.

We are glad that you have visited our site and hope you will return as this site will be continuously updated. If you are visiting from outside the community, thank you for stopping by.




The graphics on this page are from
Graphics by Crazy Ed, another excellent
source for good graphics