Dan Bridge - 09/24/00 02:14:02 My URL:/danbridge My Email:not sure | Comments: I like this web page. Thanks for making it. |
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Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Merry Callahan - 10/06/99 18:25:03 My URL:http://ganymede.mac@worldnet.att.net My Email:against | Comments: Hello 79th street CAG, I've just come up to speed with the info on site. My spouse and I, James Carlo, have newly purchased on the corner of Bond and 79th. Having been involved in similar battles, I wonder how many of you are aware how grim the prospects look for success. Unless, that is, some agressive and sword rattling actions are taken immediately. The city has a lot of money and `face' invested in his project and are making noises that- in any legal book- scream `bad faith' and muddled, careless intent. In a civil action, bad faith is enough to get the agressors put down. In a government action, city or otherwise, a suit has to prove "gross and e treme" negligence. Waiting for them to seal our avenues of success with the `done deal' of council motions is dangerous and fraught with high legal costs and delays. I suggest hitting hard and hitting fast with some serious legal moves; I've heard of some possibilities nd suggest we find more; perhaps, the wetland route, as well (we are very close to Fanno Creek; wetlands also have transitional areas which are much larger than the wetland, alone.) I know land use experts who I'm willing to hire at my expense to investi ate the wetlands matter as a possible avenue. Any comments? In conclusion, the loose correlation of city data, meaningful dialogue and good faith makes it clear to me that this is rapidly digressing into a legal matter. And I have much `David and Goliath' experience as a private citizen on the legal battlefei d. Being David, I have learned a swift and accurate blow will fell the most giant of opponents. We must find the weak spot and attack it, now! If not, this whole process looks like we'll be drowning in it for some time to come, with little hope of ulti ate success. I don't feel like shelling out $15-30,000 because Tigard let too many people build in the other areas of the city. Anybody out there on the `against' want to run for Mayor? I make a heck of a marketer! Sincerey, Merry Callahan |
Charlotte Haines - 08/22/99 19:03:29 My URL:kruzin@teleport.com My Email:Question 8/22/99 | Comments: I'm seeing all these new markers along 79th which make the street area much larger than the orange markers that were put there for the last survey you took. What's happened? Has there been a decision by the city council? Also, I'd be more than happy to call and give someone my two cents, but I don't know who to call. (I understand the Mayor is not too receptive.) Can you give me a phone number(s) and the name(s) of the city council member(s) most important to those f us wishing them to leave 79th alone. |
Wendi Hawley - 08/02/99 21:01:54 My URL:karuna28@hotmail.com My Email:against LID, for road improvements | Comments: The engineering staff (ron wigal) continues to give information to those who inquire that has not been updated fom the last city council meeting's changes...Unfortunately, the fact that everything is in flux at this point and has not yet been decided was OT mentioned. This occured on Friday July 30th! |