79th Ave Citizen Action Group
Executive Committee Meeting
July 22, 1999

Dianne Bullas
Bruce Carlson
Vicki Carlson
Greg Duskin
Ryan Fleck
Carlos Gonzalez
Jan Limpo
Kathleen Moss
Debra Muir
Robert Preston
Bill Tanner
Randall Wooley
(1) Guest

1. 79th Ave City Records - Information has been received and is currently being sorted and cataloged.

2. LID research - Memo of compiled information regarding LID was distributed.

3. Road Bond Task Force - Bill Tanner and Kristin Preston are attending the regular Road Bond Task Force meetings and will report and new developments.

4. City Council Meeting - July 13, 1999

City Council meeting had the 79th Ave project listed as 10 or 12 on the discussion list for the evening. A lot of people from the neighborhood were there and a city sign-in sheet was available.

Once out of the executive session, the Mayor spoke about 79th Ave first. He proposed delaying a specific discussion of the city's plans until two of the council members (Joyce Patton, Brian Moore) could meet with members of our group to discuss our needs and concerns.

5. CAG Meeting - Determined that there will be a meeting for all members of the Citizens Action Group on August 4th at 7:00pm at the Tigard City Hall conference room. A tentative agenda is as follows:

* Recap situation to date
* Distribute ballot of proposed list of concerns/demands
* Discussion (30 min)
* Ballot collection

There will be an ad placed in the paper regarding the meeting.

The executive meeting with the city council members will be held on August 12. Meeting place and attendees is TBD.

There will be a meeting of the entire executive committee on August 10 to go over final 08/12 meeting agenda.

6. New Executive Committee Members

Three members are requesting to be added to the executive committee. They are:

George Covic
Wendy Hawley
Rocky Racanelli

For any questions or comments, e-mail 79thAveCAG@geocities.com

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