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79th Ave Citizen Action Group Executive Committee Meeting June 01, 1999 |
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Attending: Dianne Bullas Bruce Carlson Vicki Carlson Calvin Collins Carlos Gonzalez Kathleen Moss Debra Muir Robert Preston Bill Tanner Randall Wooley Transcript of Robert Preston's Presentation to the City Council at open mike of 05/29/99 was distributed and discussed. Current objectives/assignments: 1) 79th Ave City Records - Gather all information from the city records regarding the 79th Ave project. (Kristen Preston/Randall Wooley) 2) LID research (Kathleen Moss) Research so far has shown that the state regulations regarding LID processes are vague. It is up to the cities to adopt more specific regulations. Currently Tigard has adopted a 1/3 approval process. (Handout - Local Improvement Districts) Also research the following: Assessment vs. property value regulations Remonstrance waivers and current validity 3) Create subcommittee heads within the Executive committee to coordinate and filter information down City Council - (Bill Tanner) Attend weekly Council meetings and continue to speak at open mike. Coordinate other Council committee volunteers to have a significant presence every week. Media - (Dianne Bullas) Contact the Oregonian (Scott Learn). Get media interested/informed about current situation and Tigard regulations 1/3 Majority LID approval LID remonstrance agreements Monitor City of Tigard home page (CI.Tigard.or.us) Phone Tree - (Vicki Carlson) 4) City Council - find out where the council members currently line up on the 79th ave situation. (Calvin Collins/Robert Preston) 5) LID issue on ballot for 11/99 - Find out what needs to be done to get Tigard LID process on the ballot. (Calvin Collins) 6) Road Bond Task Force - Transportation plan is happening now and will have to come up for public vote. Check on status of 79th Avenue. (Randall Wooley) 7) Mission statement established - Committee is opposed to plan proposed by city, as it has been presented. We want information and a chance to participate in the process. 8) Agendas for executive meetings will be established from here on out. Next meeting is TBD. |
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