City Council Notes
June 08, 1999
Bill Tanner asked "What are the City's objectives of the 79th Avenue project?" The Mayor was annoyed and said he would not answer that type of question at the council meeting. He said to submit the question in writing to the council.

Paul Taylor asked the Mayor for a contact person that would give answers about the project. The Mayor and city manager said Gus Duenas would answer questions about the engineering plans. The Mayor asked Mr. Duenas to have the final plans ready for the July 13th council meeting. He said we could make comments about the final plans at that meeting. Mr. Duenas was not certain he could meet that schedule.

Andrew Meier expressed our concern about the lack of reliable information. Mr. Duenas acknowledged that there was false information being circulated. He believes the July 13th presentation may answer some questions.

The Mayor said 79th Avenue is on a proposed road bond.

The Mayor stated that the City has spent $200k for engineering plans.

Gus Duenas does not like changes to his department's engineering plans.

In an unrelated incident, Mr Duenas was visibly annoyed that the council members would allow a variance to the 12-foot sidewalks of the 69th Avenue LID.

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