79th Ave Citizen Action Group
This site has been built as a central meeting point for all members of the 79th Avenue Citizen's Action Group. Check here for updates and information.

February 7, 2000

Ballot Results
The last ballot came in with 90% of the neighborhood stating that the current design for the street was not acceptable. The city has not responded to the ballot. Their most recent comments about the project can be found in the Road Bond Task Force Notes of December 08, 1999.

Additional Projects
The Executive Committee is working on voter initiatives to alter the way the City of Tigard forms Local Improvement Districts and obtains and uses non-remonstrance agreements. In addition, we are planning to develop candidates to run for City Council.

Prior Updates
CAG UPDATE - June 22, 1999
CAG UPDATE - August 13, 1999
CAG UPDATE - October 6, 1999

Executive Committee
Executive Committee Notes - June 6, 1999
Executive Committee Notes - July 22, 1999

City Council Subcommittee
Members of the 79th Avenue CAG continue to attend all City Council meetings
City Council meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month include a Visitor’s Agenda during which members of the public can address the Council on any subject. Those meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.
Past Council Notes:
City Council Notes - May 25, 1999
City Council Notes - June 8, 1999

Road Bond Task Force
Issues addressed: Bond Financing
Road Bond Task Force Notes - July 21, 1999
Issues addressed: Road Bond Selection
Road Bond Task Force Notes - September 8, 1999
Issues: Important information about Tigard road developments and Reimbursement Districts.
Road Bond Task Force Notes - September 29, 1999
Issues: Important information about LID and road bond.
Road Bond Task Force Notes - December 08, 1999

Want to Help?
If you have not already signed up for a committee or want to help in some other way, please contact CAG79@att.net

Why has the committee been formed?
Read about the Background
or read the Original Letter

Interested in leaving a comment on the Neighborhood Bulletin Board? Leave Comment
Or View Comments

For any questions or comments, e-mail CAG79@att.net

Page last updated - February 7, 2000 Page last reviewed - January 19, 2004