Kai and Abi's Place

Hi, we're Kai and Abi,
fraternal twins born 10 weeks premature on August 15, 1998

We invite you to please sign our guest book at the bottom of this page.

Latest Update!


August 15, 2003...FIVE YEARS!

We celebrated the big day during our yearly week-long vacation at the beach in NC
and now we're off to KINDERGARTEN! Where did the time go?

Mom has FINALLY been able to get back in to edit so we'll have some long overdue pics and updates real soon!

Be sure to check out "Places to Visit" (our favorite links), way down past our latest pictures!

[OurStory] Our Story (pregnancy-previous updates)

[Photo Gallery] Photo Gallery (prebirth-2 years)

Our Latest Pictures

Enjoying a gift
from Daddy

(Abi and Kai)
Halloween 2000

(Abi, Mom, Kai)
Playing around
with Mom's webcam!

Places to Visit

[Mr and Mrs Fuman] Our Family Home Page
[PG Journal] Mom's Twin Pregnancy Journal at StorkNet (how we grew, week-by-week)
[TWINSANITY] Welcome to TWINSANITY! Mom and Leslie's haven for twin moms
[Preemie-l] Parents of Premature Babies Inc. (Preemie-L)
[Club Previa] Karen Cork's Club Previa (info and support for placenta previa)
[PROM page] Inkan's Preemie Home Page (info and support for PROM--Premature Rupture Of Membranes)
[WebRings] Kai and Abi's Webrings

Sign Our Guestbook

Meet Our Guests

[Email Kai and Abi]

© 1998

Blue's Clues Graphics from

Graphics on other pages:

Rainbow bars from

Animated Merry-go-round and Rainbows from
[SheriBerry Graphics]

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