churches of Christ Roleystone Community Church Inc.
a member of the Churches of Christ in WA

church of 1968 Church - 1 Croyden Road
Postal - c/o 10 Sefton RD
Roleystone, Western Australia 6111

church of 1908

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Who are we?

Roleystone Community Church is a member of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia.
We have been worshipping here for ninety years and the original church building, a heritage landmark, is being restored for use as the 'childrens church'

What we believe

Rob & Shelley Chapman The main basis for our belief is the teaching of the Bible, inspired by God to show us His will for our lives. We acknowledge Jesus Christ as Saviour and believe that He is at work in our world today through the power of the Holy Spirit - changing people, healing them and setting them free to serve Him.

Robert and Shelley Chapman are our two ambassadors for Jesus Christ in Mexico. 

Sunday Services
Prayer and intercession. We believe that prayer is important and that God welcomes our praise and prayer requests and willingly blesses us with the desires of our hearts.
Family worship, teaching and children's church.

An informal service of worship and teaching. We celebrate Communion on the first & third Sunday of the month. After a time of family worship and prayers, the teens and children go to their own teaching activity groups. There is a crêche for babies and toddlers. Visitors are very welcome and this service is followed by morning tea.
Junior High Youth Group - Activities and fun for the youth in our community.
Craft & Hobby Groups
Thursday 7.00pm
Friday 9.30am (crêche)
These groups provide fun, learning and fellowship for adults. You will be welcome to join activities such as water colour painting, folk art, decoupage, drama, creative writing, ribbon embroidery, pottery, patchwork, massage, drawing mixed with laughter and much chatter.
Bible Study & fellowship groups
Various day or evening groups for men, women and mixed.
Other Community Ministries and Services
We support the ministries of Lifeline and the Livingstone Foundation

Go Alpha
For anyone interested in finding out more about the Christian faith
we run Alpha courses based on the very readable book
Questions of Life by Nicky Gumbel 
For any information please contact our Leadership Team
Email here