Welcome to the Myles' Home
Greetings from the Myles' home-

We're at it again. We're updating our page to share with you our amazing journey as a family.  When last you heard from the Myles' family in June 1999, the family had grown to three adopted children under 3 years old.... And then for some strange reason, the next few months, aye, years, have been a blur.  A blessing, YES, but a real blur!
Ana is almost 7 years old, having succesfully finished first grade at home. Joshua (5) and David (4) are pure boys and their energy gives us pure joy.
And into our life comes baby Rachel, whom we're adopting from Colombia in June/July 2003. Click on the links in order to share more of our amazing journey.  Thanks for sharing with us- please keep in contact!

Introducing Rachel Myles
Adopted June-July 2003
Ana Myles
Joshua Myles
David Myles
and introducing:Rachel Myles
The Myles kiddos
The Myles Family
Myles family Info:
Rick, Jenn, Ana, Josh, David, and Rachel