Welcome to
Tea Thyme!

    Welcome to my small slice of cyberspace.  Here you will find information about my favorite liesure activities, which are drinking tea, reading books and writing.  There is also information on some of my other interests and hobbies, including genealogy, scrapbooking and collecting teddybears.
     What you'll find here:
     At the Tea Parlor:  Tea facts & folklore  *UPDATED*, lists of books about tea  *UPDATED*, my favorite teas  *UPDATED*, links to great places to purchase tea & tea paraphanalia  *UPDATED*, Tea Thyme Club link, the text only version of the TeaThyme Sampler Newsletter  *UPDATED* visitors' tea recomendations and tea quotes.  *NEW*
     In the Book Nook:  List of my current reads  *UPDATED*, my favorite authors, links to on-line bookstores, book collecting websites & other 'bookish' sites and visitors' book recommendations.

     On the Writing Desk:  Samples of my writings in poetry, short stories & novel excerpts.  Links to writing websites & other useful sites.
     In the Hobbie Room:  Information on my personal teddybear collection, my family tree & genealogical research, scrapbooking & cross-stitching projects.  Links for teddybear enthusiasts, genealogy research, scrapbooking addicts & many other 'crafting' websites.
     In the Garden Gate:  Gardening journal, favorite gardening links, garden plans & gardening tips.

     In the future I hope to have the Writing Desk open to showcasing visitor's works.

So, grab your favorite cup of tea, pull up a comfy chair and have a nice visit.

Please stop in to visit all of Tea Thyme's areas:
Tea Parlor | Book Nook | Writer's Desk |
Hobby Room | Garden Gate | E-Mail | Guestbook |

Clubs & Organizations I am a member of:

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Copyrighted  (c)  1999-2000  Tammy M. Doyle
Last updated on:  01 May 2000