The more I write, the more I realize I've left far too many things unsaid.
And residency does not help either of us in this regard.

The New Apartment Story in New York (with pictures) is still forthcoming.

Why I want to be Chief Resident.

The Iceland Story Is Here.

The Chronic Pelvic Pain power point file is here.
If it loads in your browser window, come back to this page and right click on the above link
and choose "Save Target As" to download the file to your desktop.
Please note that the filename is case-sensitive.

In the meantime, you can peruse my thoughts on why I WAS on this crazy path to becoming a doctor
(my OB/GYN residency hoopla makes my first personal statement, the above file, seem fluffy and trite -- I'll post the newer one soon),
educate yourself about condoms, IUD's, or enlighten yourself with some ramblings on Personhood or Buddhism.

Are you looking, perhaps, for the story of my life ? Jules and I are happily settled in the East Village, and welcome you to visit our home or drop us a line.

The 2001 events in NY and elsewhere inspired a bit of soul-baring. Read. Act. Vote.

If you'd prefer something more of a visual aesthetic, take a peek at some goofy shots of me on the train and platform of the subway. Unlike most people, I *like* my driver's license picture, because it makes people laugh. Please also enjoy a view of the Baltic Sea. And if you're really desperate, there are always links... or the sloth.

Are you looking for the Lithuania pages? They're here. Or are you looking for the really, really old frontpage? That's here.