Silver's Tangled Web
I am researching LUNENBURG, Nova Scotia descendants.
The main family lines I am interested in are those of
Nicolaas SILBER (later SILVER), Johann Conrad KNICKLE,
who came from Palatinate, Germany; Hans Jakob TANNER
from Schaffhausen, Switzerland; Frederic MASSON
(later MASON) from Montbeliard, France. They were among
the original settlers of LUNENBURG in 1753.
Although Genealogy is not an exact science, we will try to be
as accurate as possible. If you find any errors or have
corrections or additions, please let us know and every effort
will be made to rectify the situation. Thanks for visiting us!
Other names of interest include MEISNER, MORASCH,


Ancestors |

(74+ Lunenburg founding families
who were my ancestors) |

My 4 Main families
The Tree of My Life
WHEN I was yet but a child, the gardener gave me a tree,
A little slim elm, to be set wherever seemed good to me
What a wonderful thing it seemed! with its lace-edged leaves uncurled,
And its span-long stem, that should grow to the grandest tree in the world!
So I searched all the garden round, and out over field and hill,
But not a spot could I find that suited my wayward will.
I would have it bowered in the grove, in a close and quiet vale;
I would rear it aloft on the height, to wrestle with the gale.
Then I said, "I will cover its roots with a little earth by the door,
And there it shall live and wait, while I search for a place once more."
But still I could never find it, the place for my wondrous tree,
And it waited and grew by the door, while years passed over me;
Till suddenly, one fine day, I saw it was grown too tall,
And its roots gone down too deep, to be ever moved at all.
So here it is growing still, by the lowly cottage door;
Never so grand and tall as I dreamed it would be of yore,
But it shelters a tired old man in its sunshine-dappled shade,
The children's pattering feet round its knotty knees have played,
Dear singing birds in a storm sometimes take refuge there,
And the stars through its silent boughs shine gloriously fair.
~Edward Rowland Sill~
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We have had this many visitors since January 31, 1999
This page was last updated on May 10, 2007

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It's Always Fun To Ride The Rail

For all the brave souls claimed by the sea.

Graphic Credits
Background set by Moon and Back
Some graphics by Grace Lee
and Mary

Site content Copyright © 2001-2010 D. Silver
All Rights Reserved
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