An invisible red thread
connects those destined to meet

The thread may stretch or tangle,
but will never break.

- Ancient Chinese belief -

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him.

1 Samuel 1:27

As our Lord's star once lead the Magi to an infant long ago; God has guided us with a "red thread" to our special child. This child was destined to be our daughter long before we knew her and we are so happy to have her. With gratefulness, humility, and overflowing joy, we thank God for blessing us with:

Name: Amira Claire Fang
SWI: YuGan Welfare Home, Jiangxi, PRC
Adopted at 12 months old in November 1999
Agency: Great Wall China Adoption (GWCA)

Our hearts are overflowing with gladness. Please join us in our celebration of God's goodness to us.

Scott, Linda, and James

Here is a poem that an APC friend wrote pertaining to our path to Fang Fang. Thank you Martha for letting us post it here. It means a lot to me. Thanks for sharing it!

Of Providence and Daughters:

"With every twist and turn of fate, every moment that we wait,
Fear my life entwines, embraces, til my heart fails & mind races.
When will we go bring her here? When will my arms hug her near?
Who will this dear really be? Will she look at all like me?
When can I rock her in the night? cradle her & hold her tight?
Questions mount and doubts arise, Til in prayer I close my eyes:
And there I know that I can rest: because I know He knows what's best!
God works in Love to do His Will to bless us by His power and skill
to bless us though we are distressing, to grant us grace and joyous blessing!
The hearts of Kings are in His Hand That's all we need to understand!
In wisdom follow His design, Embrace His will 'til it is mine.
Believe He knows just what we need, that surely He will intercede.
He will guide our footsteps near to the child that He holds dear.
The rest we leave with Him alone and trust He'll bring our daughter home."
~Martha Hackenberger
For God's Grace

China Trip Photos

Photos of Beijing, China

Photos of Nanchang, JiangXi, China

Photos of Guangzhou, China

Family Photos

Family Photos in China

First Days Home

Brother and Sister Portraits Christmas 1999

Assorted Photos 2000

Summer 2000

Family Pages

Kids Garden
Linda's Garden
BugKid's Hideaway (Jim's Page)

China and Jiangxi Sites

Great Wall China Adoption - our agency and highly recommended!!
Jiangxi - My Hometown Area
Adoption from Jiangxi
YuGan, where I spent my first year of my life
China Connection
Families with Children from China
Map of China
China for Visitors
Virtual Tours of China
Learn to write Jiangxi in Chinese
Jiangxi Province
A brief introduction to Jiangxi
Porcelain in Jiangxi
Jiangxi information
Weather Averages in Jiangxi
Survey of Jiangxi Province
Asia for Kids
Chinese Culture Page - Chinese language learning
Audio Tutorial of Chinese
China Unique

This China Adoption Ring site
is owned by Amira.

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