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I could never say thank you enough to these very special people, who made this web site a reality. Without their love and support, I'm not sure I would have been able to accomplish as much in such a short time. All of these people spent hours, turning into days, into weeks, helping me build this site. They took precious time out of their busy schedules, and never complained. To me, that's what friendship is all about. They all walked in when the rest of the world walked out, and because of their support and dedication I have a place to go and be reminded how special Justin is and, a place to share my son with the rest of the world.
...thank you for all the time you spent scanning the images, and taking such special care of the precious memories I have of Justin, and the girls. You've been a good friend to me, one of the first people I developed a friendship with, almost a year ago now.
... thank you for all the time to get this project up and off the ground. You certainly came to my rescue when I thought this wasn't going to happen. I have also known you for along time though support groups for bereaved parents, and in the process of this project, I have come to know you much better. Our angels were looking down on us when you found this address, and I will never forget that.
...Actually this is first to London Fog. I'm so thankful that you were able to talk your husband into helping me with this site. Had it not been for your influence, who knows where this site would be today. Thank you both, for what you've done. :^)
...for believing in me, and for keeping Justin's name alive with the scholarship you started in Justin's memory. When I was concerned that Justin would be forgotten, you made sure that he would not be. Justin loved you dearly, and so does the rest of the family. I'm sure Justin has the biggest smile on his face right now.
Sowams Nursery, thank you for the beutiful memorial tree donated to my family, and planted in Colt State Park. Also to the Bristol~Warren School Committee, for the memorial tree planted at Guiteras School.Becki's Garden of Graphics for selected graphics used throughout this site.
Dreamfires for selected backgrounds used on this site.
To anyone else I may have omitted, please forgive my memory.
Thank you!!!
Patricia Hunt