Hi, I'm Patricia, the Mother of
Justin, Amanda and Alicia
This is George
Amanda and Justin's Dad
This is Al, Alicia's Dad
Carrying my angel
Justin about 9 months Oh!
What a cutie, eh?
Justin's 1st Christmas
with his sister Amanda
Justin making his first snow angel
Justin and Amanda, my two cuties
Grampa (my dad) Holding
Amanda and Justin
Amanda and Justin graduating from nursery
Justin and Amanda, Summer fun
Amanda and Justin wearing
their Easter Sunday Best
Justin and Amanda on our first vacation in
New Hampshire.
Justin and my sister
at my wedding to Al
Justin, Amanda and Alicia
Amanda, Grampie and Justin at Amanda's 1st
Communion with their Great Grampa
Kids will be Kids!
Look Mom, we ate
with No Hands!!
Summer outing
with my Mom & Alicia
Justin in Church
Christmas Family Love
Grampie and Justin are both in Heaven