Thank you so very much for signing Justin's guestbook. It means a great deal to our family, to be able to read the kind thoughts, heartfelt emotion and well wishes. There is a consistant ache in out hearts since our Justin left. Your messages help heal a broken heart.
Mommy - 12/25/00 07:28:27 My URL:this one My How did you find me?: I was blessed with you!! Favorite URL: This one.. | Comments: Justin, this is our third Christmas without you. For your sisters and I this is a bitter sweet day. I miss you so much and i wish i could give you a big kiss and a hug right now, cause God knows I could use one..Merry Christmas in heaven ..I love you always Justin..Mommy xoxox |
Cathy Gilbert - 10/07/00 00:15:53 My How did you find me?: surfed in | Comments: Beautful web page. I emailed you also. God Bless, Cathy |
kristine - 09/24/00 02:10:53 My URL: My From: Fl How did you find me?: another site | Comments: Hi,your site really hit home with me.I am truly sorry for the loss of Justin.My daughter passed away five monts ago.SHe had Ashma all her life also.I was always afraid the ashma would take her.She died in an accident.My daughter left on a Friday and I nev r saw her alive again.Thank you so much for the site you have made.I will save it and come back.Oh my daughter said she saw angels.You can read about it at her memorial.God bless.Kristine |
Jim McGaw - 09/21/00 21:29:51 My How did you find me?: article in RI Parents' Paper | Comments: Dear Patricia, My name is Jim McGaw and I edit the Rhode Island Parents' Paper. You may remember that we ran a brief story about your Web site dedicated to Justin in our September 1999 issue. I just finished a second look at the site -- what a wonderful tribute. I'm hoping you can help me. I'm working on my "editor's note" for an upcoming issue, which will focus on how much time parents spend worrying about their children. Naturally, I'm going to touch upon our very worst fear ? the death of a son or daughter ? and how it seems to be a taboo subject for most parents. Whenever the subject comes up -- whether a friend mentions it, it's on the news or in a movie -- many parents seem to "tune out" or flatly refuse to acknowledge the possibility that such a tragedy could occur to themselves, a relative or a friend. Although it's certainly not a subject I like to talk about myself, I wonder how healthy it is to ignore it altogether. How can we possibly deal with such a tragedy -- whether it happens to us or someone else -- if we can't talk about it? As someone who has experienced the tragic loss of a son, I would be curious to hear your thoughts. Do you think parents would be able to better deal with such a tragedy if death wasn't such a taboo subject (or is there no way to "deal" with a child's death)? You told us last year that although you received plenty of support from friends immediately after Justin's death, that support slowly dropped off. Do your friends still change the subject when Justin's name comes up? I would certainly be grateful for any assistance you could give me. I would like to use your name in my editor's note, and I would certainly mention the Web site as well. Thank you in advance and again, I think it's wonderful how you are keeping the memory of Justin alive. Take care, Jim |
Dawn Helale - 08/22/00 14:16:28 My From: Staten Island New York How did you find me?: Slingo | Comments: God Bless |
Tammy - 08/08/00 14:35:08 My URL: My From: Hannibal, MO. How did you find me?: searching memorial sites Favorite URL: angeleyes | Comments: I am so sorry for your loss. Your story is so sad. I lost my 17 yr. old daughter this year. It is so hard to to understand why a parent has to endure such pain. Please visit her memorial and a website I built for bereavbed families. I would really like to place your sons picture on our "light a candle" page. God Bless. Tammy |
Dana - 08/06/00 03:59:46 My From: Alabama How did you find me?: Patricia told me about it | Comments: The website is a wonderful tribute. It was truly a blessing looking at it. I am sure Justin was an inspiration to all of those that knew him. Thanks for sharing the site with me. |
- 07/13/00 02:42:40 My From: melissa How did you find me?: thru michael richey memorial | Comments: How heartbreaking but beautiful. A wonderful tribute. |
Bill Knauss (DaltsDad) - 06/08/00 05:33:20 My URL: My From: Mesa, Arizona How did you find me?: friend | Comments: I tried to send you an email to but it was returned as undeliverable. It said "user account inactive 550 User unknown" Please can you email me any new address. I would like to send you a private message. Blessings, Bill (DaltsDad) |
Mitch Landry - 05/04/00 08:07:42 My URL: My From: Lumberton, Texas How did you find me?: Web Design | Comments: Check out the new site. PS contact me asap please |
Don L. - 01/29/00 22:06:34 My From: Wa. How did you find me?: An Angel Favorite URL: "The Chrysalis" | Comments: Justin: I just wanted you to know that you're in my thoughts today and though you were sent here for only a short while, the elapse of time will not erase your memory nor will the lives that you touched be forgotten.Love, Don |
Mommy - 12/26/99 05:53:18 How did you find me?: I was blessed with you! Favorite URL: This one.. | Comments: Well Justin, this was Christmas number 2 without you..It has been a very sad day for me. I miss you so much. I placed a special ornament on the tree on your honor..I love you my little boy blue!! Mommy xoxox |
- 10/10/99 21:01:46 | Comments: |
BETTY SOUZA - 10/10/99 20:31:53 My URL:http://DANBET My Email:DANBET.COM From: TRACY CALIF How did you find me?: POETRY AND LOVE | Comments: MAY GOD BE WITH YOU.YOUR MEMORIAL IS BEAUTIFUL! |
Pam - 09/29/99 16:20:37 My URL: My From: CT How did you find me?: you sent it to me thank you | Comments: Hello Patty, I came with kleenex because I can share your pain as I to lost a son, what a wonderful memorial to him you have here, he will always be remembered, by every life he touched and by the lives you have touched through him, God Bless you and your whole family, hugzz Pam |
Ken & Linda Lauren - 08/22/99 04:01:57 My, or How did you find me?: Visiting Don and he spoke to us of your tragedy and mentioned the web site. We said we wanted to see it. | Comments: We think Don wanted us to see his poem to you, too!!! Actually, we both were very moved by your tribute to Justin. You had a very special relationship and it showed through in the words you wrote and the features you had on the site. After seeing the p ctures, and hearing Don's comments, we feel like we already know you. You have had the courage to turn a profound tragedy into a very positive expression of your love for Justin. Thank you for sharing Justin's life with us. Ken & Linda Lauren |
Melanie - 08/18/99 05:21:08 My From: California | Comments: Thank you for sharing your son!!I'm so sorry for the loss of such a wonderful little boy. Do take comfort in knowing that you will be reunited one day.You're in my thoughts & heart. |
Doris Bordelon - 08/03/99 05:42:59 My URL: My From: Meraus, LA (outside of New Orleans) | Comments: Justin's memorial is beautiful. What a precious boy! My family knows too well of your pain. We will be celebrating our angel, Marissa, first "Heaven's Day" in only 4 days on August 6th. The pain is jsut as intense today as one year ago. Please pray f r our family. |
Don - 05/31/99 21:20:18 My How did you find me?: Through a wonderful woman | Comments: Justin,I wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you on this Memorial day. I thank you for touching me in a special way.I can hear your childish laughter echoing through the streets of heaven. Love,Don |
Julie - 05/24/99 14:53:06 My How did you find me?: while doing a search for an article about children and grief | Comments: Thank you for sharing your feelings in your website.Thank you for telling us about Justin. I am the mother of two sons, ages 10 and 13, and I will go home this afternoon and give them both big hugs and say a prayer for Justin. |
Dumpling - 05/15/99 00:53:07 My URL: From: Temecula, CA How did you find me?: Leahy Family Awards page | Comments: Your page deeply touched my heart. What a beautiful memorial to your beloved son, Justin. It is obvious that your faith keeps you going and I pray that God will bless you every day. Let me invite you to visit my homepage and please sign my guestbook. Than you. Loving thoughts to you and your family. |
Debbie Fuller - 04/27/99 14:15:25 My From: How did you find me?: In after death web site | Comments: I know you pain . I lost my one and only daughter on Feb 17, 1997. She was 25yr. old. my heart still ache because i miss her. May God bless you and all the mother and father who have lost children |
Jennifer Main - 04/10/99 19:13:16 My URL: My From: California How did you find me?: quite by accident. | Comments: I stumbled upon Justins website quite by accident... but I'm so glad I did. My heart goes out to his've made a wonderful memorial to a boy whose life ended way too soon. I'm so VERY grateful for every day.. every moment I have with my own ch ldren..and those around me. |
Vicky - 04/09/99 15:52:24 My From: Woburn, Mass How did you find me?: Boston Parents Paper article | Comments: Your tribute is so moving. Between the tears, I vowed to enjoy every day of my son's life, he's in those terrible teen years. What a sweetie Justin is. He might be in a differnt place, but LOVE never dies (Just ask his mom). Blessings to you and your girls. |
Don - 04/07/99 08:44:15 My | Comments: Patty......What a loving tribute to your son. You are a special person! I am pleased to have chatted with you. a friend......Don |
Bob - 04/05/99 04:02:48 My Handle:bibneagle From: Bob How did you find me?: Patty | Comments: |
Kenny - 04/02/99 13:51:29 My From: Rhode Island How did you find me?: Jeremy (Chitin2000) Favorite URL: | Comments: I like this page alot!! |
Alexis - 03/26/99 22:02:47 My URL: From: Ohio How did you find me?: I really don't know, I think it was fate. Favorite URL: | Comments: I'm here to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday weekend. My son's name is Justin David, he was named after my childhood best friend that passed away when he was 14. David made a big difference in my life and I'll never forget him. I can't express in words how you have touched my heart today. p.s. One of my hobbies is photography and I have a collection of rainbows, one of which you can view on my site in my garden. *Hugs* Lexie |
Jeremy Coelho - 03/24/99 01:46:47 My From: Rhode Island How did you find me?: From Amanda | Comments: I think that this web page is very well done. It is also very sad one of the best web pages around and i am not just saying that either. Patricia, Amanda, Aliscia, and their dad are very nice people. As you can tell from the web page. Well i wish you luck |
Kenny Machado - 03/24/99 01:43:52 My URL: My From: Bristol,R.I How did you find me?: My friend Favorite URL: Justin's Site | Comments: I miss Justin he was cool I only knew him for a little bit but he was COOL!!! |
~Web Angel~ - 03/18/99 20:04:20 My URL: My How did you find me?: a little angel told me ~Smile~ | Comments: Patricia, you and some other special people have created a loving and lasting tribute to your son, Justin. One that will touch the hearts of many, just as it has touched mine. I am indeed honored to offer you our Web Angel Award. You should be receiing it in email shortly. Thank you for sharing the life of your Special Angel with all of us on the Net. ~Web Angel~
Sherre - 03/16/99 20:03:22 My URL: My From: Louisville,Kentucky How did you find me?: A Friend | Comments: Oh, sweetheart,you have done a great page for your son.I know how hard it is for you.One day you will be with your son,but for now he is the angel that look's over you and your family. God bless you. Love And Hug's, Sherre ![]() |
Nancy - 03/16/99 18:14:47 My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/7454/ From: Michigan How did you find me?: I was blessed | Comments: Of all the sites I have visited ...Justin's story has touched my heart the most. What a wonderful son and I am so sorry for his loss. I have two boys right between his age and I can't imagine how you cope. I think he is a special angel called for a reason that you may not know yet. Thank you for sharing your story and may God bless and keep you. ~Nancy~ |
Eve - 03/15/99 22:48:51 My URL: My From: NYC How did you find me?: Guess Book | Comments: I can just say that i know your pain and that they are in better place...God intended this world for us to be at peace with one another but it hasnt happen yet...but instead He still has a place up in heaven for us to be in peace...I know they are rejoici g and waiting for us... God bless you... Angltouch |
Angel - 03/14/99 16:15:35 My URL: My From: Arizona How did you find me?: Guestbook Favorite URL: Inspirational and Angel Pages | Comments: As the tears roll down my face, I can't even imagine the pain you have endured... As a mother of four, I cannot imagine losing any of my children... As mothers, if given the choice, we would give our lives for the sacrifice of our childrens... I believ that Justin is an Angel in heaven now watching down on you just as you did when you first gave birth and looked into his little face for the first time... You behold him frequently in spirit, for even though you can not see him, you know He is present w th YOU... My Fiance lost his wife to a traggic accident... he was left with three children... Someone sent him this poem, and I wanted you to have so that it may give you some kind of comfort... My life is but a weavingAlso, I leave you with this Angel boy who reminded me very much of your son... With Warm Angel Hugs... Angel ![]() |
Grammy Habe - 03/10/99 23:44:12 My URL: My From: Olney, Illinois How did you find me?: You signed my guest book | Comments: Thank you so much for your kind thoughtful comments in Josh's guestbook. I'm sure you are right on the mark, our boys have met in Heaven! As an added bonus, my Mother joined Josh just 2 months after he went to be an angel. I'm sure she is helping to loo after your little angel also. She dearly loved all children, from one to one hundred! the ache of missing our loved ones never goes away, but it is a great comfort to know that they are safely home in Heaven! Hugs and much love to you and your family! Habe |
Tina - 03/10/99 18:29:27 My From: Dallas How did you find me?: Through memorials on net | Comments: May God give you piece throughout your continued journey here on earth. It's apparent that he comforts you with Justin's spiritual presence. May he continue to give you those little gifts! You never mentioned exactly what did happen to Justin. If it's not too painful, could you elaborate? |
Laura Siders - 03/07/99 18:17:16 My From: Indiana How did you find me?: geocities/sis sent it to me | Comments: So sorry to hear of Justins tragedy. He is bringing you light for each day. He is still around you. Smile each day for him, this brings him happiness. God bless |
Ms Loving Heart - 03/06/99 12:36:16 My URL:/Heartland/Farm/2926/ My | Comments: This is such a loving tribute and I was so deeply moved with compassion for your sad, tragic loss. My prayers are with your family. ![]() |
Kind Soul - 03/05/99 21:29:00 My | Comments: I hope you have a wonderful and happy day!! This is a Random Act of Kindness just to brighten your day and to make you smile... :o) ![]() |
Ju - 03/05/99 15:24:14 My URL: My From: South Louisiana How did you find me?: You signed my guestbook | Comments: Justin is a very handsome young man. You've done a great job on his page, to keep his memory alive! Take care of yourself and know that one day you'll join your gorgeous young man...every day is one day closer until we're reunited with our children in H aven! God bless you and your family...Ju - Sydnie's Mommy FOREVER and ALWAYS!!!! |
Debra Fuller - 03/03/99 12:25:59 My Email:dfuller@ummspss.ab.umd From: Baltimore Md. How did you find me?: Memorial page on the Adc | Comments: I as a mother know how you feel. My daughter Circe passed on Feb. 17, 1997 seven day after her brithday. I know you pain I miss my sweetpea everyday. She was just 25yr. She was my only daughter.She was onjly my daughter but my friend and hero. This is a v ry excellent web site. May God bless you and your family. Peace and bless. A mother |
Barb - 03/02/99 19:54:10 My URL: My From: Wisconsin How did you find me?: guestbook Favorite URL: no particular one | Comments: I cried all the way through. Maybe your son and my daughter are playing together in Heaven. God bless you dear for such a beautiful site. |
AngelHeart - 03/02/99 02:37:10 My URL: My From: Virginia How did you find me?: An Angel brought me:) | Comments: Your dedication pages for Justin are WONDERFUL. I have tears in my eyes. God bless you and I know he is an angel and watches over you resting in the arms of Jesus....{{hugs}}}} |
Gail - 03/01/99 14:42:15 My URL: My From: Fresno, CA How did you find me?: You invited me Favorite URL: Angel sites | Comments: Thanks for inviting me here. I was touched by my visit. It even made me cry at your loss. May God bless you now and in your future too. Gail |
flo williams - 02/28/99 03:48:22 My URL: My From: North Carolina How did you find me?: web page Favorite URL: mine | Comments: Hi Justin, I can see you have a wonderfull family...and that you are a great kid... Be sure to visit them all you can so they will see you are okay... Take care....... |
JILL - 02/27/99 01:09:03 From: New Jersy How did you find me?: MOH memorial page | Comments: What a wonderful tribute to your son...thanks so much for sharing...Love and Light to you and your family |
Tina Kysar - 02/13/99 03:41:56 My How did you find me?: meetingofhearts | Comments: Your memorial to Justin truly shows how much you love him. My son died too, and I hope I can put together a site as beautiful as yours...and I know Justin is still with you. Thanks for the inspiration. |
JoAnn - 02/12/99 20:19:39 My URL: My From: Southport Flordia How did you find me?: From Chirstopher's Memorial Page Favorite URL: All Of The Beautiful Memorial pages For Our Beautiful Angels | Comments: I am so sorry for you loss , I know there are no words I can say to you to take away your pain . My heart goes out to youand your family. I also know the pain of lossing a child . Justin is a beautiful boy and He is a beautiful angel. You are so right in your advise to others , we have to do what ever is best for us to do , and it doesn't matter what others think. Thank you so much for sharing Justin with us , I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers , May the Lord Bless you and your fam ly and keep you safe . Please come by my son's Memorial Page and read Vernon's story . Sending Lots of Love and Prayers your way , Love and Blessings , JoAnn |
Mommy - 02/12/99 18:16:35 My URL: My From: R.I. How did you find me?: I was blessed with you Favorite URL: mine | Comments: Hi sweetie, I wish that you were here for me to give you your favorite chocolates. I could see your face light up with joy. Gosh, do I miss you my son. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY honey....You know you would always ask me to be yours.....I love you !!!!! Love fo ever......Mommy |
Peggy - 02/05/99 12:51:53 My URL: My From: Missouri How did you find me?: Heavenly Playground Network | Comments: Patricia, What a beautiful tribute to your precious son, Justin. I would bet he is looking down saying, "Yep, that's my Mom!" As the tears rolled down my cheeks, I could see Justin with all of our angels running and playing. Then I smiled! Love and Hugs, Peggy |
christina austin - 02/05/99 08:27:01 My URL: My From: phoenix,arizona How did you find me?: memorial gardens Favorite URL: my christophers | Comments: Your sons' story has touched my heart so deeply. I have cried as I have read throught this site. Your stories give me reassurance that there is life beyond this one we know. I too lost a child, my beautiful son Christopher. He was 19 months old when he ne ly drowned. He lived for two and a half years more but he was left completely brain damaged as a result of the accident. he died on July 21, 1998.He was 3 years and 11 months old when he died. Thankyou for sharing with us the memory of your angel. You are a very special mom and I am sure that he is smiling down on you and with you all the time. God bless you and your family. |
Nikki Koecher - 02/05/99 02:59:59 My From: MN | Comments: Hi, I was finally able to get into your webpage. It is a very nice webpage and I enjoyed it very much. Hope to hear from you again and Take Care. Nikki |
John Storch - 02/04/99 07:46:30 My From: Calgary, Alberta , Canada How did you find me?: a good friend Lil' Insane | Comments: My heart can feel the touch of your son, you did what few can only hope to achieve on your page touch someone you dont know. |
Laurie Kelley - 02/04/99 03:56:00 My From: Marion, In How did you find me?: You're MY Friend Favorite URL: An Applet A Day! | Comments: Angel Face aka Patricia, I think you did a beautiful job and your little angel would be very proud. Keep up the good work. He walks with you! Much Love to you, Lil' Insane aka Laurie |
Karen - 02/02/99 13:35:01 My URL: My How did you find me?: MOH messageboard | Comments: What a wonderful tribute to your son!!! he most definitely is an ANGEL!!! thank you for sharing him with me. karen. |
Kathy - 02/02/99 05:13:18 My From: A friend! How did you find me?: same way you found me! | Comments: Patricia, This is so nice. You did such great work and put so much love into this, I'm sure Justin is so proud of his Mom. To one Mom from another who has lost a son....much love. |
Sharmaine Haller - 02/02/99 02:09:53 My URL: My From: Texas How did you find me?: Webring | Comments: I am sorry about your loss. I too, have a child in Heaven. My only child, Tracy Lynn. Life without Tracy is not life. I miss her so much, as you miss your Justin. I know they must be friends in Heaven. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Sha aine <>< |
Merry Heart - 02/01/99 21:51:53 My URL: My From: usa How did you find me?: a friend Favorite URL: too many to choose from | Comments: This is brethtaking and I admire your dedication to your son. And your willingness to share your pain with us. I pray peace to your heart and mind, and the anointing of Joy on your heart and life. What a joy it must of been to have him as long as you d d. God Bless, Merry |
kathy (steur)white - 02/01/99 14:05:58 My URL:/heartland/fields/8470 My From: Indiana but living in georiga How did you find me?: you Favorite URL: | Comments: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN NOW YOU ARE CELEBRATING YOUR BIRTHDAY WITH MY MELISSA ROSE I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT TIME,MELISSAS BIRTHDAY IS JAN 21ST SO IT ISNT THAT FAR FROM YOURS,HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR,*******HUGS****** KATHY |
Denise Landry - 02/01/99 08:13:07 My URL: My From: Texas How did you find me?: Our Angels brought us together Favorite URL: | Comments: Patricia, I feel you know what's in my heart without me attempting to put it into words. I will try though. As I looked through and read the beautiful words on Justin's website the same words kept going through my head. They are words that I use when I speak about my Trey who I know has met and embraced Justin. The words are; HE GAVE MORE THAN HE EVER ASKED FOR IN RETURN. I used these words in part of Trey's memorial and although I've heard so much about Justin, I feel after reading the loving words y u wrote about his unselfish deeds and outlook on life that he and Trey were even more alike than I had realized and that God must have needed them more than we did. That is so hard to live with daily and even harder to understand, but I do believe in my eart that our sons are helping the Lord prepare Heaven for all of us who will join them there one day. Love to you and your sweet daughters. I think of you often and I KNOW Justin would be SO proud of you. Love and Hugs, Denise |
sandy - 01/31/99 22:28:30 From: Rhode Island How did you find me?: I Was Your AUNTIE Favorite URL: This one | Comments: To my wonderful NEPHEW. HAPPY B-Day on this day SUPERBOWL SUNDAY... I saw you yesterday in the SKY with the brightest rainbow. Well its time to have a piece of your cake. MISS YOU LOTS... LOVE YA Come see me again when I'am driving in my car. BYE-BYE ANGEL FACE LOVE SANDY ANTHONY |
Cecil Frizzell, Jr. - 01/31/99 21:26:39 My How did you find me?: hypnet | Comments: A very beautiful site and a wonderful tribute to Justin. I'm sure that one day you will be taking a walk on Heavens Rainbow with him. Cecil |
Amanda - 01/31/99 20:15:17 From: Rhode Island How did you find me?: your my brother Favorite URL: this one | Comments: Hey Justin sup? not 2/2 much over here... Today is your birthday, and I miss you very much.. I wish you were here to celebrate with us... We had a speacial cake made for you... It has a picture of you on it. It looks so good. I know if you were here right now you would love it. It is even your favorite flavor (chocolate) I think that it it's awesome that your birthday fell on the superbowl. Well I really don't have much more to say but, love and miss you so very much. FOREVER YOUR SISTER, Amanda xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox P.S great job on the web site mom=) |
Mommy - 01/31/99 19:47:55 My From: Rhode Island How did you find me?: I was blessed with you!! Favorite URL: Mine | Comments: HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY JUSTIN.... Justin I know you are not here to actually eat a piece of cake with us, but what a special cake it is we had your picture transposed on it, and it looks so beautiful..We are also going to have a pizza, just the way you would have wanted..I miss you my angel..There will be a place setting at the table just for you...I love and miss you so much........Mo y...XOXOXOXOXOX |
- 01/31/99 15:20:33 | Comments: |
Mitch Landry - 01/31/99 14:55:49 My URL: My From: Lumberton, Texas How did you find me?: Heard the Heart Strings | Comments: Testing the scripts and the codes |
- 01/31/99 14:03:48 | Comments: |
Donna - 01/31/99 06:55:58 My From: Australia How did you find me?: Angelface | Comments: Your story has touched my heart and my soul. |
Peg French - 01/31/99 05:36:58 My URL: My From: Corning, NY How did you find me?: | Comments: Our Angel boys are SO much alike,I just HAD to smile through my tears of reading his web page...his beautiful smile, his kindness, the love of soccor, his kisses for his teachers....what a sweet boy. Thank you for sharing so wonderfully, you Angel Justin ith us...I am betting he and Ry are kicking around a soccer ball and Justin is teaching Ry all about pigeons!! :-) {{many hugs}}from Peg F and my 3 angels |
Maureen Dionne - 01/30/99 16:59:02 My From: your old friend | Comments: |
Anne - 01/30/99 16:50:19 My From: sc How did you find me?: heavenlyplayground | Comments: |
Mommy - 01/30/99 03:46:34 My How did you find me?: I was lucky to have you!! Favorite URL: Mine... | Comments: Justin, this is a very sad day for me..Gosh I miss you more with each passing minute..I hope that you are looking down at me, with that beautiful smile on your face...When I think of your smile it makes me smile too...I love you so much my son, and I miss you more than words can say..This is my tribute to you honey... I love and miss you!! Mommy |
Mommy - 01/30/99 03:44:07 My How did you find me?: I was lucky to have you!! Favorite URL: Mine... | Comments: Justin, this is a very day for me..Gosh I miss you more with each passing minute..I hope that you are looking down at me, with that beautiful smile on your face...When I think of your smile it makes me smile too...I love you so much my son, and I miss you more than words can say..This is my tribute to you honey... I love and miss you!! Mommy |
Pattie - 01/29/99 20:37:42 My URL: My From: Massachusetts How did you find me?: newsgroup | Comments: Patricia, You have created a wonderful page in Justin's memory. The love just pours out! I know he is smiling down on you with that beautiful smile of his with such pride. I'm so sorry for your loss of your Angel Justin. God Bless ((Patricia)) |
Laura - 01/29/99 17:50:02 My URL: My From: Salt Lake City, UT How did you find me?: Angel network | Comments: Dear Patricia, I know that today is really hard for you. The first anniversary and every anniversary are days that we wish we didn't have to mark on the calendar. Your page for Justin is such a warm and moving tribute. To loose a child is the most awful experience that any of us will ever have and I am so sorry that you are now a member of this club. Justin is still showing you the signs that he is nearby and I would bet that he won't leave your side today. Take care of yourself and know that you are in my heart and in my prayers and my candle is lit in rememberence of Justin. God Bless. Laura (Casey's Mom) |
Jan - 01/29/99 17:06:09 My From: Wisconson How did you find me?: your email | Comments: Thanks for sharing your angel what a beautiful site you have made for him he must be proud of you mom. |
Carol - 01/29/99 15:25:02 My From: Alabama How did you find me?: our grief group | Comments: What a lovely job you have done with Justin's web site. I love the music and think of all our angels every time I hear it. God Bless, Carol C. |
KAREN - 01/29/99 15:06:07 My URL: My | Comments: Patricia!!!! What a beautiful tribute to sweet Justin. You've done a wonderful memorial, Justin has to be smiling! :o) Love and prayers always, KAREN |
Jean Baxendale - 01/29/99 07:45:30 | Comments: What a lovely site. Such a wonderful memorial to a boy whose life ended much too soon. How he has touched so many lives in the few years he walked on this planet. How he has touched so many more since his untimely death...Many of us who live many more years than he cannot claim that. Thank you for sharing Justin's life with us. |
Cindy Jo - 01/29/99 06:26:52 My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/8557 My From: Washington How did you find me?: you! Favorite URL: | Comments: What you have done for your precious Angel Justin is so special! His memory will live on with these wonderful tributes and pages for Justin.. You are loved dear and I know that Angel Justin is smiling from Heaven upon you with pride and special love now and always until you join together for eternity one very sweet day! ~ Love, Cindy Jo ~ John 10:28-29 |
Kendra Beevers - 01/29/99 05:43:15 My URL: My From: Clovis, NM How did you find me?: HPNET | Comments: Right now I am sure my Kenneth is coaching him for the Angels soccer team. Bless you Patrica, may God give you PEACE. |
CAROL S. - 01/29/99 00:37:46 My Email:WHISPER.TIME How did you find me?: WE ARE FRIENDS | Comments: JUSTIN's wonderful smile fills his whole face. Thank you for allowing me to be a guest. Greg and I thank you for the Glory Bear. He still has a place on honor in our home. |
Dennis G - 01/27/99 00:22:37 My How did you find me?: sent to me | Comments: I can only say that I am sorry for your los. :`-( |
Randy King - 01/26/99 06:47:48 My From: Randy & Millie How did you find me?: from you Patty | Comments: You have done a great job Patty. We send you our love through hugs. Love Randy and Millie |
Patty Lemasters - 01/25/99 23:28:49 My From: Pennsylvania How did you find me?: mother gave it to me | Comments: This is so moving I cryed all the way through God bless and keep him in your heart and make the days get easier to take. Your friend, Patty |
Karen - 01/24/99 20:25:33 My | Comments: Looking good, keep up the good work, it's worth it. Love ya, Karen Q¿Q |
Trey's Parents - 01/23/99 02:02:45 My URL: My From: Lumberton,Texas How did you find me?: We found you in our hearts Favorite URL: | Comments: As parents of a child who was taken early in life, we can certainly relate to the loss you must feel. Our lives have changed and will never again be the same. May GOD send the angel of comfort to us in our time of need and watch over us all in the days ahead. |
KAREN - 01/17/99 16:24:48 My URL:http://www.geocities/Heartland/Ridge/8569 My From: CA How did you find me?: Hpnet | Comments: Dear Patricia,What a handsome young man,Justin, A lovely site has been created in loving memory of your Justin. Cindy did a wonderful job for you and everyone to enjoy. May God Bless you and your girls with precious memories, peace and comfort always. With Love, Karen (Mom to MARY HELEN) |
Carmen Hogg - 01/16/99 09:38:45 My From: Florida ex. New Zealand How did you find me?: U and your Mommy r both angels to me!!!!! Favorite URL: need to think on it | Comments: Justin, I dunno exactly what you know about what's going on down here, but if you do kiddo please know that I Love You and your Mom very very much. You both have become a very special part of my life. I think about you alot Justin. "Have fun boy and run like the wind but most of all Be Happy" Hugs and Kisses Carmen |
Carmen Hogg - 01/16/99 09:33:10 My | Comments: |
Cindy Jo - 01/16/99 00:27:39 My URL: My From: Washington How did you find me?: hpnet Favorite URL: yours! | Comments: I hope you like what I did for Justin, creating this web site for him. He is a sweet and precious Angel.. I love you!! Hugs, Cindy Jo ~ Mother forever to Michelle Marie ~ 8-24-84 ~ 11-5-93 ~ John 10:28-29 |