<BGSOUND SRC="/mojave_mike/dustnwind.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Michael Morgan's Home Page
I was born on Dec. 6, 1952 at Fort Knox, Kentucky with my twin sister Laurie. I was the third and last son born to my mother the former Gloria Baymiller (My brothers Bill and Paul preceded me. My father, Lewis John Morgan, a career army soldier who was highly decorated from WWII with the Silver and Bronze Stars for valor. I also had four  younger siblings, all girls, Gloria, Kathy, Liesa, and Ann.  My father moved us to Ft. Ord, California in 1962.The family still lives there todays except my father who died in 1996 at the age of 76 and is buried in his beloved Tennessee near his birthplace. Also my brother Bill died in 1965 while visiting relatives in Illinois. I joined the army in 1970 after high school. Served in Vietnam with an aviation Military Intelligence unit before being honorably discharged in 1973. Went to College for the next four years and then worked in the private sector. I went to work for the government as a civilian in 1981 starting with the U.S. Army,  Then the Air Force in Jan 94'. The Navy in late 94', and  the  Marine Corps in 98'. I own a home with a swimming pool and a great view near Palm Springs, Ca. Hold mouse over pictures on right to show pictures underneath.
More pictures below of my life and activities.
Mom & Dad's wedding Family
10 years 13 years
More Family
The Pilot
VietNam 18
Snow Skiing H20 Skiing Jet Skiing
More Yosemite75
Kauai 89
Mauai 97
Mauai 97
Janelle on bike BMW