Small update
Just updating so our page is not deleted.
~kt Feb 2008~
Small update
Again I am still short on time. I have started to think about the neglect our webpage has gotten. Sorry but I am sure you can understand when a little one is in your home! The past year has been really good for us all! I couldn't ask for anything more or less in life at this point. When I am really feeling up to it I will update parts here and there. I am still disliking the sponsored links to the right there. Wish I knew how to get rid of that or something. It is annoying! It covers the whole page pretty much. Ok not really but you get my point. So keep an eye out for updates! Take care!
~kt 8 Feb 2007~
A very small update
I do not have much to update ... no time! I will let ya know on November 16, 2005 at 7pm we had a baby girl. She was 6lbs 1oz. When I find the sitting time where I can update this site I will. Until then this site will not get any updates. Sorry but I'd rather be with our child than sitting here for hours. I am sure you will/can understand.
~kt 19 Feb 2006~
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Katie & Rob
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