Orange County, California
About La Leche League
La Leche League (LLL) is a nonprofit nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing information, encouragement and support to women who wish to breastfeed their babies. Our meetings are led by mothers who have happily and successfully breastfed their own children and have subsequently been accredited by LLL International. The breastfeeding information presented by LLL Leaders has been approved by the LLL International Medical Advisory Board of physicians and professionals recognized as experts in their field.
All women who have an interest in breastfeeding are invited to attend LLL meetings. All mothers and their babies are accepted with open arms at meetings. Each mother is encouraged to take from La Leche League philosophy what seems sensible and helpful to her.
Telephone Help
Some questions just can't wait! If you have questions between meetings or need a friendly ear, these Leaders are experienced breastfeeding mothers accredited by La Leche League International to give information, support and important encouragement to mothers who desire to breastfeed their babies. Give one a call!
Series Meetings
In order to better serve our community but at the same time put our families first, we offer a variety of meetings. No two series are exactly alike, since we are all growing in our understanding of child development, mothering and family life. As we share our knowledge of mothering through breastfeeding, we can all learn and support each other during this important time in the lives of our families.
The ideal time to begin attending is during pregnancy, because the information received in advance may prove vital to a mother when her baby arrives. Pregnant women may find it helpful to attend a series of four monthly meetings before the baby is due and obtain a copy of our manual, THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING.
Because our meetings are attended by pregnant women and newborns, we ask that you avoid bringing contagiously ill children to meetings. If illness prevents you from attending, you can still receive support and information by calling a Leader on the phone.
Meeting Schedule
1st Wednesday | 10 am | Saddleback Toddler | Ann |
2nd Tuesday | 10 am | O.C. Milky Way (Japanese) | Emi |
2nd Tuesday | 6:30 pm | West Orange County Evening ** | Amber |
2nd Wednesday | 10 am | North Orange County | Jorjie |
3rd Wednesday | 10:30 am | West Orange County Morning | Jan |
3rd Wednesday | 10 am | Placentia - Yorba Linda * | Laurel |
3rd Wednesday | 10 am | Anaheim & Neighbors * | Sue |
4th Tuesday | 10 am | Saddleback - Irvine | Nanny |
3rd Thursday | 10 am | Dana Point | Cheryl |
check for current day | check for current time | Whittier | Julie |
Contact for information | Contact for information | West Orange County Toddler | Tina |
* call for Toddler Group meetings
** fathers are welcome at evening meetings
*** meetings in Spanish available
LLL helps mothers by sharing information and by giving mother-to-mother support. As you turn to us for encouragement, we turn to you for your help. Your support is needed in continuing LLL services to mothers who need us. Would you like to become a member or send us a donation? We are a nonprofit organization. Your $40 annual membership includes the bimonthly magazine NEW BEGINNINGS, discounted Area Conference registration and library privileges. Your membership or donation helps us to maintain our telephone message service, buy books for group libraries, provide handouts at our meetings and print and mail meeting notices.
Area Conference: TBA
This Web page is maintained by
for La Leche League of Orange County, California.
Feedback welcome.