Welcome to My Danube Swabian Genealogy Homepage
My paternal grandparents, Johann GALLER and Teresia ZINGIESER (CZINGISSER) were Danube Swabians from the Central Highlands of Hungary.  Danube Swabians were colonists from German speaking states that in the 1700's were given land and homes in Hungary by the ruling Hapsburgs of Austria. Many of the colonists came from an area of southern Germany called Swabia.  To get to their new homes in Hungary, they traveled the Danube River.  Thus, comes the name Danube Swabian.  For 200 years they remained steadfastly German in their new land.  Because of this, after WWII, many of them had their land and possessions seized by the invading Russians who sent them by railroad boxcars back to Germany.  Some descendants of the Danube Swabians still remain in Hungary and the former lands of Hungary.

I have researched the GALLER surname back to 1754 in the small village of
Isztimer in the county of Fejer.  Other surnames involved are WERGER, LEBER, MULLNER, STOLMAER, MATHAISER, HERR and KAUFMANN.  I have also, researched the ZINGIESERS back to 1759 in the village of Oszlop (modern Bakonyoszlop) in the county of Veszprem.  Surnames involved are CZINGISSER, GALL, REINHARDT, HELEBRAND, AIGNER, and ZELENCZEK.  My research also includes the village of Acsteszer in the county of Komarom-Esztergom.  Surnames involved are GALL, GAAL, BUDIR, SCHEER, PHILLIP, HORVATH.
My grandmother, Teresia Zingieser, and her mother, Maria Gall Zingieser, abt 1897
My entire family tree with a complete list of individuals can be viewed at my Family Tree Maker homepage:
The Galler-Damroth Homepage
My Favorite Links
Danube Swabian Genealogical and Historical Records
Listing of Private Danube Swabian Homepages
Peter Flacker's Pages
Radix' Hungarian Genealogy
Alex Glendinning's Hungarian Page
Gordon Hillman's Hungarian Genealogy
Hungary GenWeb
Danube Swabian Association of Trenton, New Jersey
Danube Swabian History with Pictures
Man from Banat
Journey to Johannisfeld
My Isztimer Page - with past and present photos
The Hapsburg Empire
Hungarian History
Map of Hungarian Counties with Lists of Their Settlements
20153 Towns and Cities in Hungary
Danube Swabian Village Names
Expedia Maps - Place Finder
JewishGen ShtetlSeeker
This is a great site for locating small villages in central and eastern Europe.
Hungarian White Pages
Church Records Translations
English-Hungarian Dictionary
Latin-English Dictionary
Cyndi's List - The LDS and Family History Centers
The LDS has done a wonderful job of microfilming church and civil records in Hungary.
Family Search - the LDS Online Search
'The Danube Swabians'  by G. C. Paikert
'Handy Guide to Hungarian Genealogical Records'  by Jared H. Suess
'Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin'  by Leo F. Stelten
Janice Galler Danks' e-mail:
last updated:  March 18, 2001