Charlene's Notes |
Hi,I am the mother of the rugrat clan...I spend my days keeping track of them,entertaining them,and being their "taxi service" to their various events. I have the best job in the world...staying home and taking care of my children. I have put together some favorite sayings, verses, and recipes for you to enjoy. Happy Reading! |
Not a sigh is breathed, not a pain felt, not a grief pierces the soul, but the throb vibrates to the Father's heart.
Author Unknown
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort." II CORINTHIANS 1:3 KJV |
This next picture I really love...it is a picture of a precious moment and the picture says it all...sometimes I think as Christians we are fighting a war that we feel we cannot win...my biggest problem is my mouth-saying things that I later regret- I need to ask God daily to give me the strength that I need to guard my mouth..Thank God He still loves us-even when we let Him down! Living amongst people that aren't always easy to deal with can be difficult at times. |
Our worth has freely and conclusively been given to us by God. Failure and /or the disapproval of others can't take it away!Robert S. McGee,"The Search for Significance"
This saying means a lot to me...for years I was held captive by the thought that you had to please everybody...even if it killed you to do so. People took advantage of that and I lived trying to please everyone while I died on the inside....Then one day, I realized that there are just some people you cannot please-no matter how hard you try... that you have to please God and try your best everyday-what a relief that was! |
Charlene's Recipes... |
Brenner's P.E.I. Potato Soup |
Lianne's French Onion Soup |
Sandra's Lemon Squares |
Rich Tea Biscuits |
Stella's English Wig Nog Cookies |
Sticky Buns (Blanche's recipe) |
Karen's Sugar Cookie Jam Jams |
Sweet Potato Casserole |
Teddy Bear's Carousel (children's recipe) |
Vera's Pumpkin Bread |
Joy Philman's Easy Fruit Cobbler |
Sigh......this is a magnet on our fridge that describes me in the morning! Z-z-z-...a morning person I am not! |
Favorite Parenting Books:
1. Parenting The Fussy Baby and High-Need Child. (everything you need to know from birth to age five) By William Sears MD and Martha Sears RN 2. The Baby Book (from birth to age two) By William Sears MD and Martha Sears RN 3. Raising Your Spirited Child By Mary Sheedy Kurcinka 4. Living with the Active Alert Child By Linda S. Budd Ph.D
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