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[Sites Ministering to the LDS Church][Sites Promoting the LDS Church]

The Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) is a truly amazing institution.  It has grown from a small handful of men in 1830 to an institution now having over 10 million members worldwide.  The Church has prided itself on its stand on family values far before it was a popular political topic.  However, the Church also believes that polygamy is an institution commanded by God - and many still practice polygamy in Utah today.  The Church has beautiful, inspiring Temples that would compare well with any Church or Cathedral throughout the World, and they are all dedicated to God and Christ.  And yet, there are no traditional Christian symbols on them (such as crosses), and non-members are not allowed entrance.  The Temple ceremony has undergone recent changes, but used to include blood oaths, secret handshakes and secret names - a ceremony many propose came from Masonry.  The Church preaches equality for all men, yet excluded the Priesthood from Blacks until as recently as 1978.  Critics would say that the inclusion of Blacks into the Priesthood is purely to allow the Church to grow in Africa and other foreign countries.  The Church believes in continuous revelation, and holds for the Book of Mormon as the revealed word of God - a Second Witness for Christ.  Yet, much of what the Book of Mormon teaches is not believed by Mormons today, even though it is considered the most accurate book on the face of the Earth today.  The Book of Mormon is portrayed as a history of Hebrew people who came to the North American continent long before Christ, and who established huge communities of Christian peoples - who were eventually wiped out to the last man by their heathen brothers.  Yet, there is not one trace of these people today that is believed by archeologists outside of the Church, and the Smithsonian Institution also does not believe the Book accurately portrays history.

    The Church is a study in paradox not only within itself, but also from the more traditional Biblical Christian world.  Some of the greatest current battles between the Mormon Church and Biblical Christianity has to do with whether the Mormon Church is even Christian.  Certainly, the inclusion of the words, "Jesus Christ" into the name of a Church does not necessarily make it Christian - rather, it is Christian because of what the Church preaches.  Many Biblical Christian Church secretly admire the Mormon Church's family values, their ability to retain their youth, and even to get their older teenaged children to go on a two year mission for the Church in far-away lands without pay.

    I have spent the greater part of my life studying the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and present below some of the more useful links to sites discussing this issue.

Sites Ministering to the LDS Church

Is the Mormon Church Christian? This link provides "answers" to this question - you can just about guess the answer!
Mindlinks - A truly fascinating site with many interesting facts, links and controversial topics.  Included in this site is the connection between Mormonism and Masonry, the little known fact that Joseph Smith had a liquor license and enjoyed drinking alcohol (and not just Sacramental!), along with good documentation as to the polygamous relationships Joseph Smith had - with other men's wives.
Alpha and Omega Ministries - This is the ministry of James White,  one of the more remarkable conservative, Biblical Christians of whom I am aware.  His book, Letters to a Mormon Elder, has become a classic in literature witnessing to the Mormons.  Additionally, he has gained fame among evangelical Christians for passing out tracts and literature to Mormons at their Easter Pageant near the site of the Hill Cumorah in New York.
Dave's Controversial Religion Page - Here may be found an actual transcript of the 1931, 1984, and 1990 temple endowment ceremonies.
ALPHA Internet Ministries - More good information, and some interesting stories about people who have left the LDS Church for various reason (along with good graphics on US and World populations!
Doctrinal Comparison of Mormonism and Biblical Christianity - Presents a side-by-side comparison of various essential doctrines held by Biblical Christianity as compared to those held by the LDS Church.
Berean Christian Ministries - An excellent ministry to the LDS Church which tries to present objective facts so that an investigator can decide whether the church is "true" depending upon these facts (as did the Bereans) rather than on emotion or feelings.
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry - An excellent Web site not only about Mormonism, but other cults, the New Age movement, and even about Roman Catholicism and its relationship with evangelical Christianity.
Contending Earnestly for the Word - An excellent site with good information regarding Mormonism, as well as Christian doctrine.  It will be obvious to any open minded person that there are serious differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity.
Discerning Pseudo-Christian Religions - An interesting series of articles concerning the Book of Mormon, whether the LDS Church is Christian, and Church's concept of God.  One interesting article concerns the "Promise of Moroni" - whether it is Biblical to pray for discernment of truth.
Mormon views from an Ex-Mormon - a site written by an ex-Mormon who is now an evangelical Christian.  Of particular note on this site is an article dealing with the differences in definition of Christian terms by the Mormon Church compared with evangelical, Biblical Christianity.
Ex-Mormon Question and Answers Page - A site which apparently has not been up-dated for some time, but which gives answers to actual e-mail questions concerning LDS doctrine and how it compares with Biblical, evangelical Christianity.
Flaws in the Pearl of Great Price - A Tanner paper detailing the purported and apparent origins of the Pearl of Great Price - one of the LDS Church's "Standard Works" - scripture held on the same level as the Bible.
Freedom in Truth - A good site dealing with all pseudo-Christian cults, including Mormonism.
Major Counter Cult Ministries - A very interesting site listing major counter-cult ministries, not only concerning the LDS Church, but many other cults as well.
To Those Who Are Investigating Mormonism - This is a truly excellent site, with many, many links to all things Mormon.  There are links to many pages concerning Joseph Smith, homosexuality in the LDS Church, women in the Church, etc.  A must see!
The First Vision - The evolving accounts of the First Vision as told by Joseph Smith are well documented in this site.  What makes this site particularly interesting is the recounting of the earliest records of the First Vision written in Joseph Smith's own hand in 1831-2; this is a must read for anybody contemplating joining the LDS Church.
King James Beaver Island Cache - The fascinating story of James Jesse Strang.  Although hardly known onw. he was at one time a viable contender to Brigham Young for leadership of the Mormon Church.  He led a band of dissident Mormons founding a rival Mormon Church in Michigan.  He eventually grew very wealthy and hid his money somewhere in the wilderness prior to his murder.  This site makes for some very interesting reading.
Temple Endowments - An excellent Web site giving the actual endowment ceremony and documenting its derivation from Masonic rites.
Trumpet Evangelistic Mission Outreach - A mission to Mormons apparently with special interest to witness to Mormons and investigators at Temple open-houses.
Recovery from Mormonism - An excellent site which has real stories from people who have found the courage to leave the LDS Church.  What makes many of these stories so fascinating is the persecution they experienced from their prior church home; those who they thought were their loving "brothers and sisters."
Mazehome Ministry - An excellent site that deals with, "cults, the occult, and secularism."  Also, a must-see section at this site deals with Stephen Covey's best selling book - the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - and how it reflects the views of the LDS Church and New Age philosophy.
More Problems with the First Vision - The name says it all!  This is a response to an LDS apologist who attempts to defend the original accounts of the First Vision.
Inventing Mormonism Book Reference - "Inventing Mormonism" is an excellent book in my personal library which gives information concerning the origins of the Church, the character of Joseph Smith, and Joseph Smith's trial in 1826.  Also, this site provides many other links to very interesting primary historical information.
Mormon Outreach Quarterly - A site put up by the Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, VA.  One of this church's ministry is to the Mormon people.  They also publish a quarterly newsletter that highlights some of the differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity.
The Mormon Ring - This is a small site of good Mormon links to other sites.
Mormonism - An Overview and Biblical Critique - A good site that compares Mormonism with Biblical Christianity.
Mormonism - A Testament to Another Jesus Christ.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claims to be Christian in nature and teaching. In fact, members of this church can become quite offended when this belief is denied. But given the fact that many today deny that the Mormon church is truly a Christian church (but rather classify it as a pseudo-Christian religion), several well-educated Mormons have taken it upon themselves to defend this claim. This site discusses some of these defenses and examines Mormon beliefs in the light of Biblical Christianity.
Mormons in Transition - a well documented site exploring many of the newer facets of the LDS Church; the distortions of Church history presented by Pres. Hinckley to Time magazine, to a well documented research book concerning the pleural wives and polygamous abuses of Joseph Smith.
Mormon Links - A compendium of links; probably anything you every wanted to know about Mormon can be found here!
Mormons - A somewhat irreverent look at things Mormon - including the 3 "immortal" Nephite witnesses
New Light on Joseph Smith's First Vision Account - The First Vision is one of the foundational truth claims of the LDS Church   However, it has now been shown that Joseph Smith's original account of the First Vision underwent several important revisions before its current form.  This site discusses these changes, and other important facts regarding the First Vision.
Philosophical Problems with Mormon Concept of God - A philosophical (rather than theological) examination of the LDS concept of God.
President Gordon B. Hinckley Disassembles - A series of letters and "explanations' concerning the President Hinckley interview concerning the nature of God given to Time Magazine in 1997.  Judge for yourself whether President Hinckley was being evasive about this delicate theological issue.
J. and S. Tanner Homepage - These are well researched articles concerning various aspects of the LDS Church, dealing with all aspects of the Church.
Book of Mormon Witnesses - Frequently, the LDS Church points to these witnesses as to the truth of Joseph Smith's account of the origins of the Book of Mormon.  This article deals with these witnesses, and whether our modern sanitized version of history is reality.
Recovery from Mormonism - Personal Stories - Over 113 personal stories as to why people left the LDS Church; some are tragic, some are inspiration, all are interesting.
Word for the Weary - A list of links regarding Mormonism
Responding to Mormon Critics - An article dealing primarily with the argument frequently heard from Mormons that the Bible is incomplete and cannot be trusted.
Saints Alive - Ed Decker - Ed Decker is well known in Christian ministry circles.  This is a good site with plenty of other links to Christian and LDS sites, doctrinal issues, and practical instruction.
Saints in Shock - A well documented site dealing with the Biblical Christian's response to the LDS Church
Solving; the Mysteries of the Joseph Smith Papyri - An excellent site with well documented information that casts considerable doubt upon the validity of the Book of Abraham; one of the Mormon Scriptures
The Federal Complaint of Summum sent to Janet Reno
The Mormonism Research Ministry Homepage - This is an excellent ministry from El Cajon, California including a book store and a newsletter.
To Pray or Not to Pray - K.J. Bywater - An examination as to whether Scripture exhorts us to pray about the truthfulness of doctrine (e.g., Moroni's promise), or whether we are to study the issues and decide for ourselves.  Should we judge whether something is "true" by how we "feel" or by a scholarly examination of the issue.
Trust the Truth Association - Now, this site is a gem.  What makes this site so wonder is the section dealing with original LDS documents describing some of the more outlandish doctrines proposed by their prophets - especially Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.  Not only can you see a transcription of the documents, but also if you want, many of the original versions of these documents.  This one is a real eye-opener!
Utah Lighthouse Ministry - One of the most impressive sites on the Web having to do with things Mormon.  This site is published by J. and S. Tanner.  This team has produced some of the most impressive scholarly research available comparing Mormonism to Biblical Christianity.  I would recommend this site to anybody investing Mormonism.
Watchman Fellowship Online - Another excellent site dealing not only with Mormonism, but many other cults and false belief systems.  Sticking with Mormonism, the ministry produces excellent newsletters comparing Mormon practices with Biblical Christianity.  Another excellent area looks at Stephen Covey's Book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, which is based upon a Mormon paradigm of life cleverly couched in Christian terms.  A must read area for every serious student of Mormonism.
When Our Leaders Speak - The Thinking has been Done - This quotation is embarrassing to some within the Church, as it seems to advocate blind, mindless following of church officials.  Certainly, it is not Biblical as Paul encouraged those investigating the Christian religion to examine the Scriptures to see whether or what what he was saying was true. Yet, despite those wishing it were otherwise, this does seem to be official Church doctrine.
Word for the Weary - An excellent site that attempts to answer the challenges of Mormonism from a Biblical perspective.  Truth is "truth" only when it is in agreement with Scripture; modern day LDS prophets not only contradict these Scriptures, but also each other.

Sites Promoting the LDS Church

Certainly, not everybody agrees that the LDS Church is a poor, false, and misleading copy of Biblical Christianity.  The LDS Church has about 10 million followers throughout the world, and about 4 million adherents just in the United States alone.  Certainly, it can no longer claim to be the fastest growing church in the United States, but it is arguably one of the most influential.  In an effort to be fair and let readers judge for themselves, I have included these sites on the LDS page for comparison.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  This is the official web address of the LDS Church.  You will note that the first picture to open up is a mural of Jesus Christ; the LDS Church is very sensitive about its being Christian - not merely a cult.  The readers may judge for themselves.
Scott's LDS Chat - an interesting group of chat rooms, as well as information regarding the LDS Church
LDS Community - an entire community of LDS people who can communicate about all things Mormon.
Mormon.com - A great looking Web site with several popular links, and information regarding the Church and its doctrine.
BePrepared.com - More than just the Boy Scout motto - the LDS Church encourages all of its members to have enough food, water, and other supplies to last for an extended period of time in case of an emergency.
The Rust Rare Coin - I thought this was an intereesting site; a place to invetigate and purchase rare LDS and Utah coins, temple medallions, etc.
Worlds Without Number - Believe It Or Not - A "contemporary opera" about the life and times of Joseph Smith.
LDSDirect.com - A great place to browse and purchase everything Mormon.
LDSWORLD - Links to the Infobase computer library and the Meridian magazine.
Hill Cumorah - Information about the Hill Cumorah Pageant and other Mormon historical sites.
Educational Institutions:
  Brigham Young University - The premier LDS University located in Provo, Utah.
  Ricks College - A very good LDS college located in Rexburg, Idaho
  Brigham Young University - Hawaii - A very good University located in Hawaii; ranked as one of the best liberal arts colleges in the West.
  Southern Virginia University - A new LDS college located in Buena Vista Virginia - a truly beautiful portion of a truly beautiful state (not that I'm prejudiced having gone to the University of Virginia).  The college opened its doors in 1996, with enrollment in 1999 being about 350 members.
Lists of Links
  Larry Hunter's New Latter-day Saint Website - One of the premier sites that is apparently a common work of many people and organizations.
  LDS1.com - A great list of LDS links, LDS information, and a Real-Audio site where lectures can be heard over the Internet.
  DJ's LDS Links - A great Web page with tons of LDS links.
  L:DS-Index.org - A great index of all things Mormon, including recent speeches by Pres. Hinckley, doctrine, searchable Scriptural texts, downloadable "Standard Works," and a list of list servers.
  Latter-day Saints Studies - An interesting site because the author not only has included some of the usual LDS links (BYU University, the official LDS site, etc.), but also some of the more "liberal" LDS sites; Dialogue and Sunstone magazine.
  Mormon History Association - A more liberal, certainly unofficial LDS site.
  LadyEagle's LDS Pages - An interesting conversion story to the LDS Church from somebody who is obviously very intelligent and thoughtful; also with links and other information.
  Hardy's Mormon Haven - A personal Web site full of great links, personal information, and testimony.  Includes answers to Mormon critics' doctrinal problems with the LDS Church
  The New Jerusalem - Includes the Book of Mormon answerman, Genealogy Lady, Voices of Liberty and John Birch Society
  LDSFaith.com - A list of links representing an ongoing work to provide ready access to LDS sites.
  LDSChurch.net - The home of the LDS Webring - a loose collection of Web sites dealing with the LDS Church.
  Pearls - What the LDSChurch.net considers to be the best LDS Web sites.
  The Hill Cumorah Pageant - A site dealing with this pageant at and about the Hill Cumorah in New York.
  Jeff Lindsay's LDS Links - In my opinion, THE best LDS site I have found on the Web.  It is the one that I think presents the best case for the LDS Church, and the one that more critics of the LDS Church should read.  Many Biblical Christians underestimate the LDS Church's apologetic, and before we can provide a ministry to the LDS Church members, we need to understand the best they have to offer - it is here.
  LDSWorld - An interesting news center for the LDS Church.
